Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Secret to the Law of attraction - Why it doesn't work for everyone.

The Secret to the Law of attraction - Why it doesn't work for everyone.The Secret to the Law of attraction - Why it doesn't work for everyone.

For those of you who do not know what The Secret is, or the Law of attraction, I'll give a quick summary.

Basically, The Secret is a book about the Law of attraction.

The Law of attraction is the idea, supported by Quantum Physics, that all thought is made of Energy, and that All Energy is constantly moving, changing, and evolving. Therefor, all things are made by thought, and thoughts can impel actions and and events towards you. In short, you Attract things towards you by what you project through your thoughts into the universe.

So- The Secret to the Law of attraction is learning HOW to USE attraction in your daily life to move the things you want towards you.

So Why doesn't this work for everyone? If everyone could simply think about being rich, and think about being in love, and think about a perfect life, why doesn't everyone have those things???

Simple. Most people aren't actually mindful of their thoughts.

Have you ever spent a day actually listening to your own thoughts? Monitoring the things you say to yourself?

I am betting, just as I was, you will be surprised when you actually tune in to your own inner dialouge. We often project thoughts into the universe without actually wanting to. For example, if you have a lot of bills you may say "I can't seem to ever get ahead of these bills." Right there, you have projected that thought into the Universe, which, in turn, creates that over and over again, making it true.

Personal example- I decided to really try the secret to the Law of attraction out. One month I was really hard up on money and was not going to be able to make a mortgage payment on time. But, instead of thinking "I won't be able to pay this" I continually thought, as often as I could, "I have plenty of money."

One week before the payment was due I received a $1082 check from my escrow account telling me I overpaid my property taxes that year, and they were refunding me the difference.

Absolutely TRUE story.

2 benefits of that "I have plenty of money" thought----

1) I was never "worried" about how I would pay it. I truly felt calm, and knew it would work out.

2) I believe it brought the money to me.

The Secret to the Law of attraction is that it actually DOES work, but people don't know how to harness it successfully and put it to work for them in their daily lives.

Two books that helped me achieve a more positive relationship with The Law of attraction were-

By truly learning to apply the secret to the law of attraction in my own life taught in these books, I can honestly say my life has completely changed.

To read how these books and courses can help change your thoughts, and help you master the secret to the law of attraction, to go to my Squidoo page for the full story.

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