Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Law of attraction Energy

Law of attraction Energy

In this lens we will look at the Law of attraction, and how we can have serendipity occur in our real, daily lives.


Reflections on SENDING A SMILE

I just wrote an article on my blog about how powerful it is to send a positive message into the world. The article discusses how I got the job that I currently have (and love) by the simple act of sending out thank you card. The experience was quite powerful and you can read the article called "Sending a Smile and Getting My Dream Job" by visiting my blog at www.lawofattractionenergyblogspot.com

As I think back on this incident, I can't help but ponder that it is the day to day energy that we emit- be it negative or positive- that creates our life,one moment at a time. And the energy of the positive is by far more powerful than the negative. So the more we send it out, the more we get in return. so read my article and let me know of your own experiences as well.

Money & The The Movie The Secret- Two Great Tools for the Life of Your Dreams

There is a lot of criticism recently about the movie the Secret. The Secret was a movie that was very impactful to me-and I think to a lot of people- because it opened up a conversation and put into words a whole new mindset. Now it is true that many of the ideas in The Secret date back thousands years, and strongly rely on the ideas that were put together by the famous philosopher/thinker Abraham Hicks. But still one cannot deny the power of the tool that finally made these ideas common among the population.

So the newest criticism is that The Secret is all about money, and all about greed. For those of you who say that, please, I will tell you about "The Millionaire Mind." This was a very powerful course where I got to see and recognize some hidden negative conversations I had about money. These conversations were pervasive, end kept me from actualizing myself in terms of mmoney. If you are a person who criticizes The Secret because it is all about money- you should take this course. You will probably find that you have some negative mind-talk where money is concerned.

Why, for instance, is it a bad thing to desire money and to want the good that comes with it? Certainly the Secret is about money- among other things. Because in our world money brings a trip around the world, a cruise to the Bahamas, a beautiful work of art that you can revel in, a comfortable bed that firms up on one side and down on another. Money gives you access to a worry-free life and the ability to treat the people you love or my your children nice clothes.

Money, contrary to popular belief, is not the root of all evil. Even the bible says it is "the love of money" that is the problem. But I will take that one step further. Neither money nor the love of it are evil. But rather the love of money at the expense of the love of life.

For it is not, in the final analysis, the money that is important- but rather living the life of your dreams, and loving it.

I will say that again.

It is not the money that is important, but rather living the life of your dreams, and loving it.

So that, if life is all about money-, and you are not happy- living the life of your dreams and bringing others to that place- then the 'evil' sets in. If life is about living the life of your dreams and helping others to do the same, then you attract money as a tool to do so. And there is no evil involved- but only goodness and light.

And it is from this place that the movie The Secret speaks, and that it's creator's speak. This is also the place from which Abraham Hicks spoke. And I am sure he would have harbered no jealousy, my wonderful Hick's supporting friends, that someone else had taken his ideas and spread them across the planet. I'm sure he would have been overjoyed instead.

For living a life you love is a beautiful, holy place, from which to speak, to my mind. And one we would all do well to mimic.

Please read about my newest experiment in manifestation at my hub at

Here is an excerpt from the article: Day 1- Manifesting a "Lean, Mean, Money Makin' Machine"

Here is my premise...The physical universe, including our bodies and the things that happen to us, are completely at the mercy of our thoughts, feelings, and energy. This is true whether we are thinking positive or negative. What we think, feel, and believe will become reality in physical space, time, and form.

On Heaven, Hell, and Attraction

I have been thinking a lot about the Law of attraction Energy and how it relates to Religion, Spirituality, and our concepts of Heaven and Hell. When I was young, and I thought of Heaven and Hell, I always became confused. Something about it just did not seem right. So now many, many years later, I can finally put some thoughts on paper. And I think they may be powerful thoughts. I think they may be thoughts that will help us all in our endeavor to stay in a positive energy space- attracting the good, not the bad. Below is an excerpt from what I wrote on my hub. I hope you will visit it.

Let us consider that Jesus' point was not that we become Christians, then get the prize- which is the Kingdom of Heaven. After all there was no such thing as Christianity at the time, so how could he be discussing that. So instead let us suppose that the point Jesus was making was that we become Christ-like. The point was that we follow the light of God within us, as taught by Jesus. (And coincidentally as also taught by Ghandi, Buddha, Martin Luther King Jr., and many other great spiritual leaders.) Let us suppose that when we become Christ-like, regardless of our religion, we have found eternal life. Because being Christ-like, in its highest sense, encompasses our light, and our love, and all that is good and beautiful. And GOD is the life/light/love force in the universe. So he, and we, are eternal.

On The Law of attraction Energy and Love, Peace, and Joy

My father passed away a week ago Monday. I was next to him- lying, sitting, standing and holding his hand for the last day and a half of his life. It was a powerful space to be in. It was a space of true love- wordless and unspoken- but poignantly present. My dad could always make me happy. He was always a happy-go-lucky kind of guy. And he did it without the benefit of The Secret, or any of the manifesting tools we have today. That time with him during his last day and a half was both incredibly sad and incredibly beautiful.

My father never spoke the law of attraction, but he lived it. He did what made him and others happy and at peace. He did this day in and day out. And he was happy. So when I speak of how to access the law of attraction energy, I speak about his life, in-absentia, for him and all of us.

What do you do that makes you happy and gives you peace? For me it is sitting on the edge of the brook with the leaves and squirrels, the moths and butterflies. I watch them all go about their business and I feel peaceful. I can also get in this place through visualizing the above.

Peaceful music puts me in a peaceful place, as does contemplating a lovely piece of artwork. And I can't say enough about reading a piece of spiritual writing for altering my mood. It may be the musings of the Dalai Llama, the Alanon book "Courage to Change", "Conversations with God" or even the affirmation cards of famed attractions Louise Hay.

I get into the space of love by lying on the couch with my arms around one of my children. I also get there by cuddling and watching a movie, or conversing with someone I care for about what makes them happy.

And I get into a place of joy by listening to powerful singers such as Cher, Elvis Presley, Tina Turner, or by watching an inspirational movie. I also get there by singing at the top of my lungs to no-one but myself. My dad and I were both aficionados of 'The Steering Wheel Concert." Today, that is still how I access the law of attraction energy. I sing to anybody or nobody and suddenly I feel good. Now the question is how to you make yourself feel good? And are you willing to take the time to do it. Because if you don't You simply won't have success in attracting what you want to your life.

One thing is for sure, when I want to access the law of attraction energy I do not watch Freddy Krueger, or a sad movie, or even the news- which is often fraught with negativity. And as I think of my dad, he was always a 'Sound of Music' kind of guy. So I follow in his footsteps.

So as you go through your week and your day, and you want to access the good in life, do what makes you happy. You can even do what makes others happy, and your happiness will often follow along, if you do it with goodwill, and no regrets or resentment. If you can't do that, then do something just for you. Do what makes you feel good, and you will begin to manifest the good in your life. And it will also honor the memory of my dad, a true light on this earth- whose light can still live on through all of us.

This is a powerful tool to help you in your manifesting journey.

If you are a smoker who wants to quit, don't miss this Neuro-Linguistic Programming Method.

Law of attraction Energy- Access it Through Body Work.

I am a positive, 'Law of attraction Energy' kind of person. I am generally pretty positive and I look for ways to keep myself that way. I have read a lot about the Power of attraction, and often thought that what we need is a nice neat set of tools for using this law and having it work in our lives. I myself have used a myriad of such tools to keep me in a true and authentic positive mind-set. And in this article and some future ones I will share my tools with you so that you too can use them. My hope is that we can all have the Law of attraction producing miracles in our lives, all the time.

Like it or not, we are mind, body, spirit creatures. And I have a firm belief that if we try to address the mind but circumvent the body, the whole thing will be an exercise in futility. If, for instance, your physical body is a crumpled heap of knotted up shoulders and an aching back, it will be much harder to paste a smile on our face. And when you do, you will simply be putting icing on a mudpie, which does not make a cake. So you have no choice, in my opinion, but to deal with the state of your physical body as an access to your state of mind. So here are some things you can do for your body that will also help your mind.

A) Get a nice, deep-tissue massage- the choice of style is up to you. But sit and relax while someone else helps you erase your worries and concerns- at least in the physical sense. Allow yourself the luxury of feeling good.

B) For me a saving grace in the most stressful times of my life has been a method of chiropractic know as 'Network Spinal Analysis.' I always say my personal practitioner is the kindest, gentlest person on earth and the experience heals the mind, body, and spirit- even though the work is physical. For me personally, this work was a saving grace during the most chaotic, stressful periods of my life.

C) For a really calming feeling of peace, go to a yoga class. Yoga reduces stress, and allows you to perform at your own level. On the other side, it can also challenge even the most trained of athletes for endurance, stamina, and strength.

D) Get some physical exercise to work out your kinks. If stress is the issue, be careful not to overdo- swim, bike, or jog to elevate that natural feeling of "all is well." If you do something strenuous like pumping iron, be aware that this may increase physical stress, so go get a massage afterwards.

E) Now if you want to relieve tension and worry, and elevate your mood, from the privacy of your own house, I always suggest a lovely candle-lit bath with the mineral salts of your choice. It's a sure bet and doesn't cost a dime. And if you tell the kids to stay away, you can soak to your heart's content.

Of course a true and real sense of happiness is absolutely crucial to the task of accessing the Law of attraction Energy. If you try to pretend joy on top of misery it will never work and just produce that icing on a mudpie. So the trick is to be insightfully honest with yourself when you are not peaceful and happy, as that is the first step to getting you there. In this article I only touched on a few physical ways to access your sense of peace, well-being, and happiness. There are many other pathways to the synergy that produces miracles, and in my subsequent articles, I will say more.

This is a powerful tool to help you in your manifesting journey.

If you are a smoker who wants to quit, don't miss this Neuro-Linguistic Programming Method.

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