Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The law of attraction and how it applies to psychology - Conclusion

The law of attraction and how it applies to psychology - ConclusionThe law of attraction and how it applies to psychology - Conclusion

Should we scrap the Law of attraction completely?

However, even though it cannot be proven scientifically we do not have to through the baby out with the bathwater.

Some neuropsychologists state the the Law of attraction can be useful because our brains are hardwired to react to our environment by way of special neurons were called mirror neurons, we not only react but we also mimic what we see, think and hear. Our brain can be programmed to mirror, react, or even change our reality. If we change our thinking to positive thinking it can theoretically change our reality.

Thus the Law of attraction has taken several psychology principals.

The power of positive thinking

The power of positive thinking has always been the corner stone for motivational psychology. Inspirational thinkers have used the theory over and over again.

The self-fulfilling prophecy

The concept of the self-fulfilling prophecy defends the premise that our thought patterns will determine our behavior. If we see ourselves as a failure we will be one and if we see ourselves as a success we will be that as well.

There are pessimists in this world and there are optimists. The optimistic are usually the successful people. The people who take life challenges and they continually turn them into something good.

If you want to get that university education, do not think you are not smart enough, or you will not get a job at the end of it because then you will self talk yourself out of going to university all together and for sure you will not get that dream job at the end of it.

On the other hand, if you want to write that book, or start a business, don't just believe you will do it, don't just think about it and tell your friends you will do it, make a game plan with the steps you need to reach your goal, and then go out and make it happen!

The law of attraction can work in psychology if people apply positive thoughts to succeed in life. Will their wishes and dreams be handed to them like manna falling from the skies? Hardly, but a positive outlook on life will bring them much greater rewards that a negative one.

Law of attraction in Montreal

t also teaches the law of attraction (514) 626-4609


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