Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Law of attraction Manifestation Fact or Fiction

Law of attraction Manifestation Fact or Fiction

The law of attraction manifestation is at work all around you whether you believe in it or not. It's much deeper than just thinking your way to success or riches. It's about more than your thoughts. If you're skeptical about the law of attraction, it's due largely to a bunch of hype generated by bloggers and authors out to make a buck that say they can teach you to think your way to financial success.

If you are a good student of the law of attraction manifestation and know it well, I have no doubt that you can achieve financial success by utilizing its principles. But the law of attraction is about much more than making money. It is as real as the air that you breathe and the sun that shines down on your face.

You already believe in the law of attraction, you just didn't know that it had a name. Think about the old sayings "If you lay down with dogs, you wake up with fleas'" and "One bad apple spoils the whole bunch," and "You become the company you keep."

For years people have accepted the idea that if you surround yourself with negativity or bad influences, that it's going to have a profoundly negative impact on your life. But if you call it the law of attraction manifestation, all of a sudden it evokes the idea of new age mumbo jumbo nonsense. Perhaps that is largely due to two main factors:

1) Negative energy has a lot more weight than positive energy. If you are surrounded by negative influences and are very critical of yourself all day and then try to occasionally "think positive" to improve your situation, it won't work. The negative energy will win. 2) Too many people misunderstand the law of attraction and are saying it's just about thinking positive, and it's so much more than that. To greatly simplify the law of attraction, it states that we become what we dwell upon and not what we think.

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