Friday, May 18, 2012

How to Know If the Law of attraction Is Working

How to Know If the Law of attraction Is WorkingHow to Know If the Law of attraction Is Working

The law of attraction ensures that what we put out in the world, we get back," according to Karma, the golden rule and you-reap-what-you-sow are other names and phrases that encompass the essence of the law of attraction. You can determine whether you are correctly executing the law of attraction by monitoring your emotions, circumstances, actions and reactions. Once you learn to recognize the signs of the law of attraction, you can more effectively carry it out.

Difficulty: Challenging


1)Note whether you are closer to your goals and ambitions. For example, if you want to attract more friends, you might find yourself at more social events. Strangers, whom you may have similar interests, will start to approach you to spark a conversation. The law of attraction plays its part by placing you in the opportunity to carry out that which you want.

2)Pay close attention to your dreams. Dreams are the means of your subconscious mind communicating to you through the symbols in your life. If the law of attraction is working, you will begin to dream, vividly, about whatever it is that you are trying to attract to your life. Typically having a dream about your goal means that the law of attraction is preparing you to meet that goal. Record your dreams, so that you can recognize any patterns that your dreams have with your reality.

3)Monitor your thoughts and creativity. You may have all the resources to carry out your ambitions while lacking the creativity. The law of attraction will take note of this, and begin to inspire you with innovative thoughts and creative ideas that never occurred to you before. Write any novel ideas down that you receive, so that you do not forget them.

4)Evaluate your emotions. Emotions are probably the crux of knowing whether the law of attraction is working. "Like attracts like" is the common aphorism proponents of the law of attraction use to sum it all up. Your emotions give clues to whether your thoughts, mindset and subconscious mind are in balance. Without this healthy balance you will attract negative people and situations, which will reflect in your emotions and attitude. If you find that you are happier than you have ever been, it is probably because you are enjoying the fruits of the seeds that you planted with the law of attraction.

Tips & Warnings

Consistency is one of the primary keys to the law of attraction. Be patient with the law of attraction.

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