Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Law of attraction and Angel Therapy

Law of attraction and Angel TherapyLaw of attraction and Angel Therapy

The power of the human mind is as infinite as the universe itself

The mind is a wonderful thing. One second it is looking at the chair you are about to sit down in and the next it will flit to how you sat on your mom's lap when she sat in that chair. One minute you are looking out the office window and the next you are thinking of how nice it felt when you were tucked under your warm quilt in your bed this morning.

The mind can literally take you places in a matter of a few seconds. It can be fickle and difficult to train. It can also be a great tool to get what you want out of life once you decide what it is and focus on it. That is called the power of attraction. You use the mind to play with the law of attraction to bring from the universe that which you want.

Law of attraction

The law of attraction states that you can bring what you want to yourself. You think about something long enough and wish that it was with you and viola the universe will attract it to you in a matter of time. The fact is that while it sounds fantastic at first you can actually see that it works just fine it you give it a chance.

It may be difficult to control your negating thoughts when you say I want a million dollars. Instantly your inner mind will recoil with a thought that says yeah, like that's going to happen. The universe will sense that you don't really believe that you can get the million dollars and then it will not present it to you. So start with small things and work your way up to get less skeptical.

Angel Therapy

Even to manifest small things by your own self can be a daunting task. That is where manifesting with Angels helps. You see yourself as weak, and angels as all powerful beings. So you project your desire to them and then wait for them to bring the object of your desire to you.

Thinking that it is not your mind, but the power of the angels that will help you make effective use of the law of attraction. Plus you don't negate your wishes as you know in your heart that angels can overcome any problems that may be in the path of manifesting your desire. That is why it is all the more effective to use the law of attraction along with Angel Therapy.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Bob Proctor Secret Law of attraction Tips - Five Simple Tips That Will Explode Your Finances!

Bob Proctor Secret Law of attraction Tips - Five Simple Tips That Will Explode Your Finances!Bob Proctor Secret Law of attraction Tips - Five Simple Tips That Will Explode Your Finances!

Have you ever noticed how some people you meet seem to be blessed with great fortune. Everything they touch turns to gold, fantastic things happen to them all of the time, and if they dropped their buttered toast - it would always land butter side down?

Have you seen how others seem to be cursed by misfortune? Everything they do comes to nothing, regardless of how hard they try and how many hours they work at it. If these people dropped their buttered toast it would always land butter side up!

It must be obvious then that both successful people and unsuccessful men and women apply the Laws of Attraction in different ways. Whether they know it or not, they have attracted their results to them by their thoughts and their subsequent actions (or lack of them).

Bob Proctor, 'Secret' star and law of attraction teacher, has spent his whole life uncovering more and more about how to get the very best from this universal law, as well as the other 11 Laws fewer people speak of.

How is your family life? How is your business doing? Are you creating the life of your dreams or are you struggling to get the desired results?

Help is here. Here are five law of attraction tips you can benefit from straight away, that will really help you attract the life you deserve. The life you were born to live.

Here then, are my top five law of attraction tips:

Tip 1 Everyday before you start work, take a moment to recall something that makes you laugh or smile, something that puts you in a great mood. You don't have to laugh out loud - a smile will do, and you can help that along with some feel good music, cuddling your children, playing with the dog - whatever rocks your boat.

Then, when feeling good - go and sit somewhere quiet, away from the TV and noise. Switch your cell phone to silent and sit in the quiet. Even if you have to sit in your car before driving to work - go sit somewhere silent, feeling great, and allow a few minutes to sit there and think of things that made you feel good in the past, things that are great in your life right now (there's always something) and then take that feeling into the future, playing in your mind how great your future is going to be. Run the tape of that in your mind with a smile on your face, as if it's happening right now. Take a breath, be thankful - because you're pushing that thought into your subconscious, and once there - things around you will begin to change, to bring those thoughts and feelings into reality.

Tip 2 You attract into your life what you 'feel' about, not think about. Sure, it starts with thought, but you need to become involved with the thought until you 'feel' what the thing you want is already here. Feel the love of a good partner, feel the touch of a soft leather executive car interior, feel the applause of the audience - whatever your dream is.

Aim to feel happy always, if something feels bad - stop it. If people keep making you feel bad, do what you can to move away from that person and feel good. If that person is your partner - aim to do things (regardless of their negativity) that make them happy, and then aim to do things together as a couple that make you both happy.

Focus and feel the good in everything, and push out and reject the negative feelings, and your life will transform in the shortest time imaginable.

Tip 3 Take HUGE action, but not just action for the sake of it. Write down your goals, prioritise the action plan into order of importance, and start with Number 1 and do not stop until it's done. Then move onto Number 2. If the action step makes you have bad feelings - anxiety, discomfort etc then try and deal with it in a way that makes you feel good - or pass that task on to someone else and focus on the tasks that just 'feel good'. You'll be much more productive that way.

Tip 4 Don't beat yourself up over the 'present'. It's such a passing. When I told you not to put yourself down - that's in the past already! Live in the moment to appreciate the wonders around you, and give thanks for the things to come in the future, as if they are already here. Tip 5 Be an ambassador for the law of attraction. Always talk in a positive way to everyone you meet, never gossip in a bad way or belittle anyone. Not only do you not have the right to do that, but you attract negativity into your world. Negativity attracts negativity. It's an easy trap to fall into - a colleague comments on the bosses new tie, perhaps it's a terrible color, choose to smile and suggest it might have been a present so you all ought to say nothing so he doesn't feel embarrassed. That doesn't make you a 'square' - you didn't choose to compliment the boss on his lovely tie (a lie) but you didn't choose to make fun of him either - you suggested that if everyone didn't mention it, he might feel good about it.

If you're reading this and writing it off as 'Mumbo Jumbo' - spare a thought for the successful and happy family and business person who lives by laws like this. They operate these law of attraction tipsl, and have a life that others could barely imagine. It's free to try this.. Try the tips in this article for 1 week - and watch what happens. Enjoy the brilliant life that begins to unfold.

The author is an expert in the Secret Laws Of Attraction. Are you struggling with The Law of attraction? Can't manifest your dreams quick enough?

Visit our website to discover FOR FREE how to master these laws and manifest your dream life - guaranteed!

The Secret Law of attraction Exercises

The Secret Law of attraction Exercises  The Secret Law of attraction Exercises

There are a lot of things that you can do to help focus your mind on the positive. If you can consistantly focus on the positive and look for the good in the things around you, you can manifest anything you desire. You will be more open to the opportunities that are constantly floating around you, waiting for you to realize they are there. Lets take a look at a few of them.

Meditation Focus Your Mind

Meditation is the first thing you should do. If you can't learn to quiet your mind and forcus on all the things that you want in life, all the other things that you will do will have little effect.

The idea is first to remove all the thoughts that are in your mind, that would include all of the negative stuff. We all have them. It can be extremely dificult to stop thinking completely, but it can be done. Just focus on your breathing. Whenever a thought comes into your mind, aknowledge it and let it go. Then go back to focusing on your breathing.

When you can rid your mind of all thoughts, then you can start to focus on the things that are positive, the things that you want to manifest into your life. When you can dominate your thoughts with these positive thoughts, they will begin to manifest around you.

Record a CD With the things you want in life on it.

Take several pages and write all the things that you want to manifest into your life. Write them all. There can be hundreds of them.

Find a digital recorder and record yourself stating these positive things. Leave enough time in between each statement for you to repeat them when you listening to the recording later.

Save the recording onto your computer and burn it onto a CD.

Listen to this CD several times a day. I like to listen to mine on the way to work and on the way home from work. This usually puts me into a good mood thing about how my life is maifesting around me.

Vision Boards Collect Pictures of What You Want

This one is easy.

Find all your old magazines that no one ever reads anymore. Cut out the images that you want to see in your life. Paste them onto a peice of cardboard or pin them onto a coarkboard.

Display this vision board somewhere you can see it everyday.

When you look at this vision board, visualise the items alread being in your life. Feel the feelings you will have when it is in your life. These feelings will help those things come into your life.

Mind Movies

You may have seen these all over They are little movies made of images, music and words. These images, Music and Words are picked by you and are meant to inspire you to think positively and to visualize what you want and desire.

If you are technically savy and want to create your own Mind Movie, go for it. Watch it 2-3 times every day and watch these things come into your life.

If you are not technically savy, find a mind movie on that matches what you want in life. Watch that one 2-3 times everyday and visualise what you want in life.

Write your Manifestations.

Find a blank notebook and write one thing that you intend to come into your life. Write that same intention over and over 'til you have filled the entire notebook. When you are writing these sentences, visualise having what you intended in your life.

Get a Double Sided Coin

Buy a coin that has heads on both sides. You want heads because heads is positive in most of our minds whereas tails is negative. When you need to make the right decision or you want something good to happen in your life, flip the coin betting on heads. This will allways make you right.

Carry a Reminder

Some people carry a memory stone. Others carry an Item someone gave them. What you need is something to remind you to think positive. Whenever you reach in your pocket, you feel it and remember to think about good things.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

How to Align Intentions, Actions, Emotion, and Thoughts for Law of attraction Creation

How to Align Intentions, Actions, Emotion, and Thoughts for Law of attraction CreationHow to Align Intentions, Actions, Emotion, and Thoughts for Law of attraction Creation

It might seem like common sense, but to most people it's almost too simple to accept; you are what you think, what you feel, and what has happened to you, and this does not always give you room for much conscious choice.

Almost every normal person goes about their day on relative cruise control. And I'm not painting a picture of a bum here, I'm talking about most people. Really though, how much time are you spending purposefully choosing to accomplish what you set out to do, fully conscious of your intention, of how you want it fulfilled, and most importantly, of your ability to achieve that goal? If you need help understanding the Law of attraction, seek the guidance of a .

If your thoughts influence your actions, and if your actions influence outcomes, and if your feelings influence your thoughts, then it would make very good sense to align your intentions and actions with your feelings and thoughts.

Bruce Lipton, the noted cell biologist, tells us that our cells are listening to our brain. That is, our cells are influenced by our thoughts. In the world of subatomic particles, all matter flows into the same force, with no clear boundary between one thing and the next; in this world your intentions flow into the larger energy field of the Universe as easily as sound waves coming out of your mouth when you speak. In order to get the working for the outcomes you desire, practice starting your day by writing out your 'To Do' list. On the right side of the paper write out the actions you need to take. On the left side, across from the action step, write how you want to feel.

Start the day writing a 'To Do' list and a 'To Feel' list, side by side. After you've made your list, imagine the feeling of "outcome achieved" into being and entertain your mind with it. What do you want to feel when you've accomplished your goal? What circumstances do you want to arise as a result of your accomplishments? Now you're sending the Universe explicit signals that begins to magnetize what you want.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Boost Your Law of attraction Results!

Boost Your Law of attraction Results!Boost Your Law of attraction Results!

Most successful people that have six figure businesses are very constructive with their time. They make a commitment to learn about and effectively implement the Law of attraction. They are more efficient than their competitors, get paid more, and move up faster in their businesses due to their determination to learn to master the Law of attraction. They are highly respected by everyone around them because they are role models. They become the best in their business and so can you!

Every single one of these strategies for managing your time and increasing your Law of attraction results is achievable through practice. Each of these proven techniques will eventually become a habit of both thinking and a way of being. When you begin applying these techniques to your business, your confidence, self-worth and sense of respect will go up. The pay off for you is that it will boost your Law of attraction results dramatically.

Every positive change in your business begins with making a decision that you are going to either do something or stop doing something. Significant change starts when you decide to either get in or get out of whatever it is that you are doing. Just imagine it as either having both feet in what you are doing or both feet out. Some of the biggest results using the Law of attraction are when we give ourselves permission to succeed.

Take back your personal power and enjoy high levels of self-confidence! By becoming more committed to learning about and effectively implementing the Law of attraction, your business could quickly grow to six figures and beyond, and everyone would be asking you what you did or changed to receive such incredible results.

In my Law of attraction coaching programs the biggest boost that people get is when they decide to have what they want in their business. Being decisive is one of the most important qualities of business people. Decisiveness is developed through doing something over and over again until it becomes natural to you.

Business people who make less than a six figure income have not yet decided to be rich. Boost your Law of attraction results today by deciding that you are going to become a Law of attraction expert by managing how much time you spend on improving yourself and your knowledge no matter how long it takes or how much you invest in it. Decide right now that you are going to practice these new sets of beliefs and strategies, until they become second nature.

Here are two steps you can take right now.

Hold yourself accountable. If that is hard for you to do, get an accountability buddy or coach. You want the accountability buddy or coach to hold you accountable to yourgoals and dreams. Choose someone that is already where you want to be in the area that you are focusing on.

If you want a six figure business, get a buddy or coach that has already created that level of business so you can shorten your learning curve. Decide to start earlier, work smarter, and stay later. Become an expert on the Law of attraction so it becomes easier and easier to manifest your dreams and desires. Create a list of what you dont want and then a list of what you do want in your business. Give your attention, energy and focus to what you want. Be specific and decisive and know exactly how you want things to be so that you are clear in your intentions.

Become an expert in manifesting and attracting ideal clients, situations and opportunities to boost your Law of attraction results. Learn and practice time Law of attraction techniques every day until they become a way of life. Deciding that you will have a successful business is the first step and the most important step in the process.

Yoga and the Law of attraction

Yoga and the Law of attraction  Yoga and the Law of attraction

Everything! Yoga has everything to do with the Law of attraction and manifesting the life you truly desire. Yoga, like the Law of attraction is 24 hours a day, not just some 60 minute workout. It's whether or not we realize it. It's whether or not we realize that IT IS HAPPENING. And always has been.

What does Yoga have to do with the Law of attraction?

What does Yoga have to do with the Law of attraction? Believe it or not, everything! In the West, Yoga is generally thought of as a physical exercise for the very flexible. And while those physical postures are a part of Yoga, the Ancient Science includes so much more.

The term Yoga comes from 2 sanskrit terms "yuz' (meaning a medium) and "gha" (meaning action). Therefore, one meaning of Yoga is: a medium + an action = to achieve a desired result. In yoga practice, we use the body as a medium to control and still the mind to experience the liberation of the soul.

Yoga is commonly known to mean; yolk or bind. This means to yolk the mind to the body, yolk a soul to a soul (marriage), or the individual with the Divine Creator. In Yoga, the goal is to renew our individual mind with the "Mind of God", the Generator-the Organizer-the Deliverer. And this Mind, lives in every cell of our body. One of the goals of the physical yoga posturing we are so familiar with is to reconnect our awareness with our body's awareness of this ever-fresh "Mind of God" that is literally within us.

Being connected with this "Mind of God" also initiates the Generator-Organizer-Deliverer within. This is where we become not just the "attractor" of our experience, but the "Deliberate Creator" of our experience. This is Yoga, the Individual realizes their unity with the Divine Creator, and from there... attraction happens... consciously or unconsciously.

Whatever it is you want to create, and especially if you are in that place where you DON'T know what you want to create... Try on this experiment:

Twice a day; upon rising and upon retiring. Answer these questions from your innermost being. Your mission for the rest of the day is to stay connected with that place throughout your days experiences.

When you first become "aware that you are aware" (aka as "awake" for most people) in the morning, take notice of your breath and how you are breathing. Is it through your mouth, or nose, deep or shallow, continuous or with pauses, difficult or easy? Does the air feel cool, dry, or warm? Are your eyes open or closed? Is your body comfortable or in pain? Are you eager to be waking or dreading the day? Begin to slowly move your body.

Did you stretch before you got out of bed? Did it feel good? How do your clothes feel on your skin? Do you really enjoy wearing them?

How does the coffee REALLY taste? How about breakfast? Are you even hungry before you start eating?Eating fast or slow? Did you REALLY taste your food? Do you completely chew one bite and swallow it before taking the next? Are all your tastes and cravings satisfied? How does your stomach feel now?

Continue to notice your breath. Is it hard or easy? Deep or shallow? Does your belly move when you breathe or your chest, or both? Can you feel the air at the tip of your nostrils? Is your jaw tight?

To complete this exercise throughout the entire day may prove to be quite a daunting task. If so, try it for just half the day to start, but be sure to complete it at bedtime. It will assist you in being more aware of your transition into sleep. This exercise will take you off "automatic" and put you into the mental plane of Yoga. Living off "automatic" may or may not be an enjoyable experience for you. The answers to these little seemingly insignificant questions will give you the places where you truly desire change and can easily start to create it. Within one week, your Life will begin to open up attracting more of the experiences that you REALLY do want.

If you want more information on additional tools available to you check out There is also an invitation to participate in a 7 week on-line video course that dives head first into understanding how the law of attraction is working. The possibilities for you and your life are truly endless.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Law of attraction as it Applies to the Principles of Psychology

The Law of attraction as it Applies to the Principles of PsychologyThe Law of attraction as it Applies to the Principles of Psychology

Published in factoidz Recently there has been a lot of buzz about the law of attraction and how we can have whatever we want as long as we believe it so. Rhonda Byrne wrote the book called The Secret and she was featured on the show. Yes, the Law of attraction is making big waves. Its underlying premise is that we can attract positive energy from the universe and make anything that we want to materialize happen. The law of attraction states that we will bring into our lives what we attract by our own thoughts.

History about the law of attraction

The Law attraction is considered a concept of New Thought teachings. Though its origins go back to the occult law of attraction, which was the first time the phrase ever appeared in an 1879 newspaper, the concept has evolved over the years.

The electrical engineer and physicist, John Ambrose Fleming described physical matter " as an unquenchable energy of attraction."

Thomas Troward who was a big influence on the new thought movement first wrote about the energy of thoughts manifesting in the physical world as early as 1904 - l910.

Think and Grow Rich, the famous book published in 1937, by Napoleon Hill is based on the Law of attraction.

The Husband and wife team, Esther and Jerry Hicks also made the New York Times Best seller list with their new thought book called The Law of attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham. Esther Hicks is noted for channeling through an entity called Abraham. Abraham is not one personality but several from another dimension who channel messages to the human race through Esther who acts as the medium for communication.

Although these messages are very positive, do they stand the test of rigorous scientific methodology?

The Law of attraction and Science

Scientists concur that the claims made by the law of attraction violates scientific principles and the scientific community's understanding of the world. Physicist Ali Alousi, is just one of the scientists who say that the law of attraction just cannot be measured for its accuracy.

Still others state that the law of attraction will led to" blaming the victim mentality." Have you ever noticed when you tell a follower that you tried to visualize the thing you wanted most and it didn't happen, they will automatically say that you are doing something wrong. They will never say the law of attraction could be wrong.

In order for something to have scientific validation it must be able to be proven either true or false. In fact every scientific experiment starts with the null hypothesis which states that whatever you are trying to prove is wrong, and the onus is then on the scientist to prove that their hypothesis is right.

The law of attraction will not allow the law to ever be wrong, only the people who try to follow the law can be wrong. The Skeptical Inquirer Magazine has criticized the law of attraction because it is be measured or proven right or wrong through scientific methodology. The Skeptical Inquirer Magazine states that all claims are anecdotal and slanted towards positive and very selective reports. Negative reports from people trying out the law of attraction are never mentioned in the literature.

The way the law of attraction operates is that the follower must follow basic conditions:

Determine what you want

Then ask the universe for it

Behave as if you already have what you are asking for. For example, if you are poor and you are asking for a windfall to come to you, take your last dollar and spend it. Forget about the bills or whatever else you should be spending it on. Spend it on whatever you want because you have that windfall already.

Then be open to receive what the universe will send you.

There is no room for negative thinking in the law. As long as people continue to think from a negative or needs point of view, they will continue to attract negative thoughts and situations into their lives

Other scientists such as Victor Stenger and Leon Lederman refute the connection between the law of attraction and quantum psychics. They state that the law of attraction is misrepresenting the electrical impulses of brainwaves. They claim that the Law of attraction is simply modern pseudoscience.

Another criticism of the Law of attraction is that it that the principal only works for people who are in a lifestyle that allows for it to happen. If we take the example previously mentioned of someone who asks the universe for a windfall, that situation would more likely become reality for a big investor than a street person or someone near destitution.

Should we scrap the Law of attraction completely?

Of course not since the Law of attraction has taken several psychology principals.

The power of positive thinking has always been the corner stone for motivation psychology. Inspirational thinkers have used the theory over and over again.

The concept of the self-fulfilling prophecy defends the premise that our thought patterns will determine our behavior. If we see ourselves as a failure we will be one and if we see ourselves as a success we will be that as well.

There are pessimists in this world and there are optimists. The optimistic are usually the successful people. The people who take life challenges and they continually turn it into something good.

If you want to get that university education, do not think you are not smart enough, or you will not get a job at the end of it because then you will self talk yourself out of going to university all together and for sure you will not get that dream job at the end of it.

On the other hand, if you want to write that book, or start a business, don't just believe you will do it, don't just think about it and tell your friends you will do it, make a game plan with the steps you need to reach your goal, and then go out and make it happen!

The law of attraction can work in psychology if people apply positive thoughts to succeed in life. Will their wishes and be handed to them like manna falling from the skies? Hardly, but a positive outlook on life will bring them much greater rewards that a negative one.


Friday, July 19, 2013

Law of attraction, Yes - But Are You Just Daydreaming

Law of attraction, Yes - But Are You Just DaydreamingLaw of attraction, Yes - But Are You Just Daydreaming

Well-intentioned relatives and cynical peers may call you a daydreamer and ask you to wake-up. Especially if you are a woman, they believe that you need to be "practical." But practical, in their eyes, may mean that you stay in the cage of ordinary reality. This cage is barred by their own limitations of what is or not possible. If you are trying to create a new life for yourself, their opinions may erode your in the possibility of manifesting your dream.

After a while, you start asking yourself if they are right and you are wrong. Take this self-assessment tool and find out if you are an Active Dreamer, someone who is creating a new life and working to manifest her dream; or if they are right, and you are just a daydreamer escaping reality. Add and subtract the points to find out. The results are on the second part of the article.

1A. They are right if you dream of having lots of things, living like the rich and famous, getting the latest car- and you do nothing to make it happen. (Minus 5pts)

1B. You are right if you dream of having a better quality of life, not only better or more things, but a life with meaning, joy, comfort and , and you keep searching a way to do it that makes you happy and adds value to the world. (Plus 5pts)

2A. They are right if you keep trying the latest get-rich-quick scheme, losing money in Pyramids and falling prey to con artists. (Minus 5pts.)

2B. You are right if you are researching, studying or strategizing to create a solid foundation in innovative ways, you seek the masters who have done it successfully and then spend time making it unique to who you are and what you have to offer. (Plus 5pts.)

3A. They are right if you dream of being an artist, writing a book or living from your , and spend your time talking about it, but doing nothing to make it come true. (Minus 3pts.)

3B. You are right if you dream of being an artist, writing a book or living from your , and you spend time talking about it in a positive manner, sharing your small successes and steps, and taking forwards steps ?even if they seem baby steps? to make it happen. (Plus 5pts.)

4A. They are right if you keep messing up because you have no grounding, no plan, no strategy and no discipline to make your dream come true. (Minus 3pts.)

4B. You are right if you make mistakes, learn from them and keep creating new strategies and implementing them with discipline, even if you have not make it yet! (Plus 5pts.)

5A. They are right if you are going for a field, career or business you hate and are becoming hard and closed-minded because you think only of making money, and not living life. (Minus 5pts.)

5B. You are right if you are declining the fields, careers or businesses that they believes make money, and ignoring the commonplace paths to in search for a unique path that is true to your values, talents and personality. (Plus 5pts.)

6A. They are right if you think they are right, no matter how wrong they are. (Minus 3pts.)

6B. You are right if you consult your heart, know your Soul's Purpose, are loyal to yourself, seek mentors and teachers who know what they are doing, and move towards your dream with 100% commitment, no matter how long it takes or how hard it seems to be. (Plus 5pts.)

Results: 30-27 Points You are definitely an Active Dreamer. Success is around the corner. Live your dream!

27 to 24 points You are an Active Dreamer, but you need a community of dreamers who supports you. Seek to move in orbits of people who can enrich your perspective. You may also need specific coaching with skills, success, visibility or business.

24-21 Points You are a dreamer who needs to seek help assessing her dream, developing a strategy and implementing it. You may also need to develop a new lifestyle that helps you manifest your dream, one day at a time. You become an Active Dreamer in the measure in which you take consistent daily action towards your dream.

20-18 Points You are using fantasy to get out of a life that you don't like. There is nothing wrong with that, but you need help in translating your into action. You also need immediate guidance in tracking down the Inner Enemies of your Success.

18-15 Points You are a daydreamer. You are a creative, passionate woman who values freedom and has her own mind. But hidden in your psyche lurk old emotions gathered around toxic, negative thoughts that are eroding your self-value. You may also feel that you are alone, and therefore you do not get help. Your daydreaming is becoming a way of escaping. You need to open the flow of the in your life through specific positive thoughts that translate into action.

15 or less points. You are a daydreamer. You are intuitively resisting the domestication of your imagination and defending your freedom and uniqueness. But you are being held back by learned beliefs and embedded feelings that you need to re-evaluate and release. Fantasy without strategy or action is an escape and a sign of despair. You need to build your faith and trust that your can become a reality. Work on self-love, faith and a supportive atmosphere for your .

As you can see, the difference between an active dreamer and a daydreamer is a matter of degrees. But the key factor is your willingness to commit your thoughts, emotions and actions to create your dream, one day at a time. No excuses.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Law of attraction Secrets Revealed

The Law of attraction Secrets RevealedThe Law of attraction Secrets Revealed

When I first heard about the law of attraction I instantly knew that I could attract anything I wanted into my life. That is where both the challenge and opportunity existed. Although I knew I could attract anything I wanted I wondered why the things I didn't want kept showing up in my life!

This got me to think about the law of attraction. Does it respond to our conscious thoughts, or only or unconscious thoughts? Well I say both, but the challenge is that 98% of how we think we're not even aware of. This made total sense to me becasue even though I wanted to attract something new, I was still thinking about the same old stuf upstairs!

I began to play a little game with the law of attraction to see what I could do. I thought, let's trick this natural law and outsmart it! I began to become extremely aware of my surroundings and what I brought about through the law of attraction. I used the "effects" in my life to provide me with examples of how I thought!

I I attraced something that wasn't to my taste, I questioned it! If I attracted a sum of money, or a large bill, I questioned what I may have been thinking and how I felt about the situation. For every single event, person, or circumstance I questioned everything! I wanted to know how the law of attraction worked, and how I was using it through my unconscious mind!

It's so easy to understand how you are thinking. All you have to do is look at the results in your life and you'll know exactly what is happening based on your thoughts!

I can remember thinking man, there is so much change I'll have to go through to get the results I want in life. Sometimes I would attract things into my life and wonder, how did I attract that?!

That's how I was able to overcome not only understanding the law of attraction inside and out, but also my own thoughts and vibration. Literally to this day I still use this approach to help me become aware of what I'm thinking and feeling. Remember your results don't lie, and what you're thinking inside your head, you're literally attracting within the physical world.

Take some time today and decide you want to start being aware of what's happening in your life. You can achieve anything you want, but it's going to take you growing and getting out of your comfort zones. Give this new way of practising the law of attraction a shot and you'll never think the same my friend!

This is a great book about attracting what you want, and getting your dream life to want you! You can read more about "OMG...You MeanI Can Have Everything I Want?!"

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Law of attraction Technique Retraining the Worry Mind

Law of attraction Technique  Retraining the Worry MindLaw of attraction Technique  Retraining the Worry Mind

Everything is going on along perfectly fine and then that thought creeps into your mind: "What if something happens so that everything isn't as good?" Then your worry-mind takes over and decides that it is going to give you a full account of the worst case scenarios for any and everything.

There are times when you can get it to stop but there are other times when it is as if the mind wants you to only think about what 'could' happen in a negative way. What can you do about this all consuming pastime?

Everyone at some time or other worries about their life and others lives. Can this habit be stopped and what is the purpose of worrying? Worrying can bring about some good results. Sometimes in searching for answers we find it and it can actually cause us to bring solutions to the table. But it is when worry goes nowhere and we habitually let it take over is when it becomes a problem.

Remember that your worries are not truths. They are lies. A worry doesn't mean it is going to happen. We worry in hopes of anticipating what could happen so that we can protect ourselves when that negative experience is staring us in the face. But do you realize that by focusing on the negative over and over, it causes the Law of attraction to spring into action (it's always in action) and bring to you what you focus on? Anticipating the worst builds a vibration of energy within you that signals the Universe you want more of that. Do you really want more worry and grief?

Instead of anticipating the worst, can you assume the best? Instead of taking a situation and playing it all the way to the end with a worst case scenario you can instead choose to play it out as a best case scenario. That best case scenario can happen just as easily as the worst case, and the best case vibration will bring you answers in the form of the best for all concerned.

This technique will help you to guide your logical mind to seeing positive options. By replacing the positive with the negative you will begin to change your way of thinking and your own life. Any time you try to get rid of a negative mental habit you must replace it with something. And replacing it with something positive will ensure a more positive life. By saying, "I'm not going to worry any more," without putting anything in its place, will cause the logical mind to go back to what it is comfortable with.

Another technique is to find one spot that you can worry in.

What you are doing is retraining your mind that you are the one in control here. You get to tell it when it can worry. Don't cut it off from worrying because that only brings up more struggles within your mind. Just decide on a place where you can worry and give yourself ten minutes there to express all the worry you need. But once the ten minutes is up, no more worrying.

If a worry appears in your mind tell yourself, "Not now. Only in our worry spot," and then keep on going about your day. Gently bring the mind back to where you want it to be. Offer it distractions if too much time is spent on worrying. Take a walk, read a book, find something that you enjoy and shift your focus. This can interrupt the worry cycle and, again, you are retraining your mind to focus on the more productive, positive things in life.

Do you believe in the Universe and do you trust that no matter what, the Universe is taking care of you? When you are able to realize this, and know that no matter what you experience, that in the end it is all well and good, you will never be disappointed because there is a higher power that is making sure all is well. Worry can then be set aside.

Envision how you want your life to be and then let the Universe take care of you, knowing and expecting that it will. These are just a few things that can curb the worry habit. By making an effort to change a few thoughts you can have the life that you ask for without excessive worry.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How to Use the Law of attraction to Achieve Success

How to Use the Law of attraction to Achieve SuccessHow to Use the Law of attraction to Achieve Success

For centuries, the formula for success has been guarded closely and not shared with the rest of the world. This powerful secret is the Law of attraction, and people use it to accomplish goals, conquer fears, obtain the perfect job and attain a successful, fulfilling life. The basic concept of the Law of attraction is that like attracts like. Knowing that thoughts turn into actions--which produce results--will give you the power to achieve every success you desire.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy


Determine What You Want

1)Define what success means to you. To some, success means complete financial freedom. To others, it's the feeling of being completely satisfied with their life. The practice of the Law of attraction may be used for a specific endeavor in which one wishes to succeed, or an ultimate lifelong goal to be successful in every facet of life. Regardless of how you define success personally, you must have a clear picture of what you want in order to proceed to the next steps of this exercise.

2)Identify what you want. So many times, we tend to focus on the fact that we are not where we want to be in life; however, it's difficult to verbalize our intentions. It's extremely important to know, specifically, what it is that you want. For example, do you want to get promoted, close that big sale, find your soulmate, or start a family? If you're new to using the Law of attraction, start with one desire and focus your energy on it.

3)State your intentions clearly and in the present tense, as if you have already or are currently accomplishing it. The key to using the Law of attraction effectively is to live each day knowing faithfully that you have what it is that you want. This will lead you to take every action necessary for reaching your goal. For example, if you are constantly saying to yourself, "I want to close that big sale," you are using your energy to focus on something that you want in the future. According to the Law of attraction, you will get what you are stating and you will surely continue wanting to close the sale rather than closing it. To state your intentions in the present, simply repeat to yourself: "I am successful because I closed the sale" or "I have established an excellent relationship with my client, and he is happy with his purchase."

Picture Yourself Successful

1)Use your positive thoughts to create energy vibrations. Thoughts become things. By actively visualizing yourself attaining what you want, you are contributing to the energy of the universe--a universe that wants you to have everything you desire. Do not allow negative thoughts to enter your mind. The instant a negative thought emerges, say silently or aloud, "Stop!" and then replace that negative thought with any positive thought. This will redirect your energy back to positivity, which is essential in getting what you want according to the Law of attraction.

2)Focus on each specific occurrence that comes to you as an individual success. Use all of your senses to bring your goals into reality. When a goal is attained, certain lifestyle changes occur. For example, when you make a big sale, you feel more confident. You can touch that big check you received after the sale; you can smell and taste the delicious meal that you enjoyed as a reward for your hard work. You can hear people around you congratulating you. Allow these images to work their way into your being, thus leading you to live day to day not just hoping but believing that you are a success.

3)Be grateful for everything that comes to you, good or bad. When we are grateful for what we have, we receive more things for which to be grateful. Also, when we are grateful for things that could be considered negative, we are refusing to allow any negativity into our lives. Anything can be redirected to the positive.

Allow Your Desires to Come to You

1)Trust that you've clearly stated and visualized exactly what you want, and that you not only can achieve it but you already are achieving it. Know that everything begins as a thought; therefore, by thinking positively, you have taken the first step to accomplishing your goal. Everything that follows are the next logical steps toward getting what you want. When you trust yourself, you will begin to notice that you can trust this process.

2)Remain grateful for the successes you already have. In a journal, record daily everything that gives you a feeling of pride in yourself. Also, when something comes your way, whether it is directly connected to your goal or not, write it down. Believe that everything is a blessing, even if it's difficult to label it so at the time. A very powerful aspect of the Law of attraction is the ability to verbalize your gratitude for things you have not yet received as if you have received it. For example, "I am grateful for my success" or "I am grateful for my promotion."

3)Resolve to feel good every day. Feeling happy, healthy and wealthy is what everyone truly wants from life. Regardless of how this feeling comes to you, it is important, according to the Law of attraction, to feel good about everything. Think of the people you have encountered in your lifetime who seem to react positively to anything that comes their way. These people are successful, because they refuse to allow negative experiences to control their activities.

Tips & Warnings

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Using The Law of attraction - Five Essential Steps

Using The Law of attraction - Five Essential Steps Using The Law of attraction - Five Essential Steps

Universal Laws surround us. They are as inevitable as life and death. Gravity is probably our most obvious natural law. We dont question it or fight it, we adapt to it and utilise it to benefit ourselves. Another, not so obvious, law of the universe is the Law of attraction. This law dictates that we attract what we think about most. Just imagine that! You are where you are in your life right now simply because of all the thoughts youve had up until now. By the same token, the thoughts you have right now will dictate your future. The Law of attraction never stops working. Therefore, you will get what you think about most. If you focus on lack and scarcity and being miserable, then that is what life will give you. If you focus on boredom and mediocrity then that is your fate. However, if you focus on happiness, success and wealth, then that is how your life will go. However, with the Law of attraction, there does seem to be a slightly negative bias, because merely thinking about wealth, unfortunately, is not enough. You need some other elements to make it work. 1. A clear mental image of what it is you really want. Picture yourself doing, having or being whatever it is you want. Make it as real as possible. 2. Take action. You must get the ball rolling. Its no use wishing and hoping that you will win the lottery if you dont go out and buy a ticket! 3. Enthusiasm. Half-hearted efforts do not work. You must love what it is that you want. If you love it enough, then enthusiasm will be generated automatically and you are well on your way. 4. Tenacity. You must have stickability! If you give up, you lose. Its that simple. Stay with your plan no matter what, for as long as it takes. Even if results dont show immediately, dont give up. 5. Be grateful. Show gratitude for everything that happens to you, even bad things, because you can learn from them. So thats it in a nutshell. You have the power to change your life for the better. Dont wait for life to change for you. Go and do it for yourself. Remember, Thoughts become things.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Put Down The PrincessPut Down The Princess

Put Down The PrincessPut Down The PrincessPut Down The PrincessPut Down The Princess

Two monks were traveling on foot together through a town, when they came across a princess being carried by her servants on a platform. The princess wished to get off the platform, but a mud puddle blocked her path. Her servants could not carry her as they were also carrying many packages for the princess. She chastised her servants as useless, fools, and the like.

The older of the two monks walked across the mud, picked the princess up and carried her across the puddle. As she was being put down on the other side, she gave the older monk not so much as a thank you, and went on her way.

The two monks continued on their journey, and as they did so, the younger monk got more and more angry and frustrated at the rude behavior of the princess. Finally, after several hours he could not take it any more, and exclaimed to the older monk, "That princess was so rude to you! You went out of your way to help her, went into the mud for her, carried her on your back, and she did not even say, 'thank you'! Doesn't that bother you?"

The older monk replied, "I finished carrying her hours ago, shouldn't you do the same?"

Too many of us refuse to put down the many "princesses" in our lives. Why? What is to be gained by dwelling on those that have done us wrong, or the bad things that have happened to us in the past? Absolutely nothing! In fact, the Law of attraction states that dwelling on such things will not only prevent them from ever going away, but will in fact cause more of them to occur!

How many times have you gotten up in the morning, and had something go wrong right off the bat? It sets you in a mood, which continues to spiral downward as more and more things go wrong. Wouldn't it be great if there were some way to stop that from happening? Well there is!

The Law of attraction says so. Break your day down into little episodes. You get out of bed. That is one episode. You brush your teeth - another episode. Make it a point to tell yourself that each thing that happens to you will be what you want it to be, and know that you can make it so. The Law of attraction works whether you believe it or not. It is a law, and by definition it is operating all the time. Know this fact, and you can control our life beyond your wildest dreams!

For people new to Law of attraction, however, the first, and perhaps hardest step is letting go of the past. Know that everything that has come into your life, both good and bad, has been attracted there by you. You have been practicing the Law of attraction your entire life, you just may not have been aware of it. We all have had "negative" things happen in our lives, but those things were supposed to happen, as we attracted them into our lives.

We cannot change the past, but we must not dwell on it either. Many counselors in programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous, state the exact opposite - that people MUST dwell on the past. Every person in AA basically wakes up every morning, looks in the mirror and says, "I am an alcoholic and I cannot change that fact." That is nonsense. The Law of attraction says so. You are who you want yourself to be. That person may have been an alcoholic in the past, but he has to get out of the past, and move into the present.

Whatever happened to us in the past, it happened for a reason, and it happened because we attracted it to occur. Nothing can undo it. But do not carry the negative things from your past around. Don't carry the princess any longer. Bob Jung is an attorney and Law of attraction author and lecturer. He has been practicing law for 16 years, and practicing LOA his entire life. You can read more at

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Quantum Physics And Law of attraction

Quantum Physics And Law of attraction  Quantum Physics And Law of attraction

Quantum physics proves the law of attraction and many other spiritual beliefs. Even better, this wonderful science makes it easy for the average person to understand their own powers of manifesting reality!

There is nothing spooky or wacky about the idea of manifesting your desires. In fact you do it every moment of every day by observing yourself and the world around you.

In simplest terms here is what I mean:

All of the universe is vibrating potential energy. Science calls the ocean of pure potential the superstring field, and it is from this great source that ALL things emerge.

When you, I, or any other conscious being observes/perceives this potential energy we literally form the potential waves of energy into tangible events, objects, circumstances, and so forth. And the magnitude of our emotions, preferences, and so forth has a very powerful impact on the "reality" that manifests as the result of our observation.

All of this is explained in greater detail in my complete Manifest Your Dreams package. For a complete guide on how to use to create your ideal life be sure to download your package today.

I guarantee you two things:

1. You'll see that intentional manifestation real and scientifically validated.

2. You'll be encouraged to begin deliberately creating your life right away!

Thanks for visiting my lens. Feel free to leave your comments below and link to this content from your lens or blog.

Scientific Look At Law of attraction Numerous Studies Support The Idea Of Deliberate Manifestation

The law of attraction is more than just thinking positively and hoping for the best. In fact there is concrete science behind your innate ability to attract or . This article will explain the scientific nuts and bolts behind the law of attraction.

If you're like many people you love the idea of being able to use the law of attraction to manifest the things you want in life. But you may have a problem letting go and fully believing this will work for you because it's contrary to what the mainstream education and media systems call reality.

For the next couple of minutes forget about what the average person considers realistic. After all, how many "average" people do you know who are really happy with their lives? The fact is most people are not scientists, and therefore it's not fair to assume the status quo reality has anything to do with scientific knowledge.

It's sad but true: Most people are not comfortable believing they can really have everything they want in life. They'd rather play it safe and stick with the familiar ground of disappointment and struggle.

The law of attraction is real. It's every bit as real as gravity. In fact gravity is one example of the concept of attraction in action.

Bodies in our solar system maintain their orbits because the magnetic pull of the sun. You and I are able to remain rooted on the earth because we are attracted to it by gravitational forces.

If you boil these forces and laws down you'll see they are not unlike the laws behind attraction and manifestation. This takes a bit of expansive and even abstract thinking, but it's quite logical if you take the time to ponder it.

Now let's have a look at a few specific scientific theories/studies that support the existence of the law of attraction.

First of all you should be aware of the belief many scientists hold that time is not linear as we perceive it. In other words, many theories exist that time does not move from point A to point B the way we experience it; in fact time does not really exist at all as a natural law.

Time is a construct. It's a phenomenon we as humans agree on as a way of managing our lives and the world around us. The truth is everything that could happen is happening right now, and our conscious minds identify and separate these events into different moments and possibilities.

In simpler terms, endless possibilities are actually taking place right now in an unlimited number of dimensions, or universes. And the human mind is consciously aware of only one of these realities at a time, thus resulting in the illusion of time progressing moment to moment.

Hugh Everett was among the first researchers to popularize this idea through the Relative State Formulation. Later Bryce Seligman DeWitt renamed this formulation the Many-Worlds-Theory.

Some people also call this belief in infinite dimensions or realities the Multiple Worlds Theory. Physicist John Wheeler, among many others, suggests that each of us chooses the reality or universe to observe from moment to moment, thereby creating our own distinct reality.

Think about this for a moment. Right now, as you read this article, you are observing/occupying a specific "timeline" or dimension; you have a job, a home, friends, hobbies, etc. But there could also exist simultaneously another dimension or reality where you are a multi-millionaire, or one where you have your ideal body, or one where you live happily with your dream mate.

One way to think of the law of attraction is to consider it the act of choosing which reality to observe. By way of focused intention you attract to you the exact reality you prefer to inhabit.

Another great theory to help explain the law of attraction is the Wheeler-Feynman Absorber Theory, which was originally designed to explain the actions of charged particles, such as photons. Consider this model:

You have a desire, thus emitting specific particles. This makes sense as everything in the universe is made up of energetic particles, including thought waves.

As the particles of your thought/desire leave the source (you), they send an offer wave forward in time to the detectors, or possibilities. When this offer wave, made up of your intentions, reaches the target detector, or possibility, the detector responds with an echo wave.

These two waves (offer and echo) can interact in a number of ways. They can cancel one another out, build on one another, or intersect in other ways within an interference pattern.

This is all taken from a model using particles and waves. But since your thoughts are measurable energy, i.e. particles and/or waves depending on the moment of observation, the theory is totally applicable to you intending or attracting one of many possibilities to yourself by sending an offer wave out to multiple detectors or realities.

You are essentially vibrating a specific intention, or offer wave, and then choosing which detector, or result/reality, to observe through your thoughts and actions.

So if you've sent an offer wave in the form of an intention to create more money, and your thoughts and actions are focused on creating this reality, you will attract the new result you want. Conversely if you've sent the offer wave of creating more money but your thoughts and actions are fretting your current lack and complaining about what you don't have you'll end up canceling out your initial intention.

This article really just scratches the surface of the science behind the law of attraction. But as you can see here the dynamics at play are very real.

And in most cases the reasons for not believing in your ability to attract a chosen reality are pretty far from scientific. Let's face it: just saying "that's not possible" really doesn't measure up to the evidence that supports the law of attraction.

Discover five easy steps for instantly putting the universal law of attraction to work in your life. Download our totally free law of attraction report entitled Greater Abundance in Five Easy Steps and discover the power to change your life forever!

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More Information On Law of attraction And Quantum Physics

Consider these proven scientific facts when looking for the connection between intentionally manifesting reality and quantum physics:

Everything in the Universe is literally made of energy. Solid matter, liquids, gases, electricity, light, sound, living organisms, and even thought are all manifested in our reality from vibrating energy.

When we look beyond the atomic particles that cells and molecules are made of we find the field of pure potential energy from which everything in the known universe emerges. Scientists sometimes call this ocean of vibrating energy the superstring field or the quantum field.

Researchers have found that tiny particles within atoms are only manifested in particle form when they are being observed. When not being observed, the tiny electrons within an atom are waves of potential energy flowing through the superstring field.

These waves of potential energy are only shaped into particles when consciousness is focused on them. Furthermore, electron particles have the remarkable tendency to appear in the positions researchers expect to find them.

In other words, scientists are literally manifesting these particles by looking for them. And they often detect the electron to the right, left, above, or below a nucleus based on where they expect it to be!

Science has also proven that all of life actually happens in the brain. Every experience we have is the result of our brains processing information, or waves of energy.

In a nutshell...

What we call reality is actually the manifesting of events via focused consciousness. And if what we call life is just the materialization of thought into various forms and events it makes complete sense that you can become an active part of the creative process and intentionally manifest what you desire.

To get the rest of this compelling story download your complete guide on how to manifest your desires through the understanding of .

Manifesting Something From Nothing on a Consistent Basis

It sounds complex, even mystical. But the truth is we do it every time we open our eyes in the morning.

The world around us and the events in our lives have a great deal to do with how we think and feel. In essence we are individually and collectively creating reality with each passing moment.

Science today tells us the same thing ancient philosophers wrote in their journals: Everything in our world comes from a subatomic void of formless energy.

By subatomic, I mean existing at a level "below" atoms and particles. And by formless energy I refer to the energy field that flow between, into, and through all things living and inanimate.

Sound like hocus-pocus? Some of the world's leading scientists don't think so.

The fact is everything we see, touch, and imagine (because thoughts are measurable energy waves) spring forth from this field of intangible energy. So what we perceive as "real" is scientifically proven to be no more substantial in nature than what we only think about.

This can be unsettling for some people. But I choose to be empowered by the idea.

Science is finding that our powers of thought are very much in tune with the same amazing force that causes the grass to grow and the earth to rotate on its axis! How's that for a head-trip?

When you really give this its proper frame of reference, how ridiculous do the things you spend your day fretting over seem? If you possess a power (of thought), which works within the same parameters as the very fabric of the universe, why not just change your life and the world around you to suit your preference?

Surely we have all enjoyed those experiences whereby events in our life were preceded by powerful thoughts and intentions. Often we write these occurrences off as flukes, but are they really?

I don't think so! And I urge you not to be so quick to dismiss your creative powers, unless you just enjoy living a powerless life and want more things to complain about.

At the very least, put a significant amount of personal research into the matter before writing it off. Closely observe your thoughts and feelings over a six-month period, and see how the events around you correspond precisely with your thinking and with your emotional state.

And when you notice an alarming proportion, ask yourself this question: What if I choose what I think and feel in an effort to manipulate my life's events in a manner I most desire?

Try this as a second experiment for six months.

Non-believers who put an honest effort into the above exercises will be pleasantly shocked and enlightened. The fact is you can have a direct and predictable impact on the events in your life by focusing your thoughts and emotions on the outcomes you prefer.

Of course you can and do have a predictable impact on your life even without trying. The world responds to your input whether you believe it or not, and the things that happen to or for you are the result of your thinking and emotions.

So why not decide to control your mind and project only the things that make you feel happy and fulfilled?

Always remember you have absolute power to as you choose it to be. It may take some practice, but the more you learn about the basics of the more you'll understand it is your nature to attract and create the reality you intend to experience!

Quantum Physics And Law of attraction: Science Of Believing

Quantum physics provides the ultimate insight into the study of law of attraction and intentional manifestation. This relatively new science has proven that conscious observation of potential energy is what causes matter to emerge into existence.

Simply put, human beings are actively and continuously bringing reality forth from pure potential by observing, or intending. When we look at the world around us, i.e. into the quantum or superstring field of unformed energy, we manifest the objects, events, and experiences that make up our world.

By extrapolating on what quantum physics teaches us about life at the most basic levels, we can see clearly how the law of attraction is the most practical model for personal development and contribution to society.

Also interesting is the fact that science has been unable to prove the existence of any reality outside of the human brain. Thought vibrations and brain waves can be measured as responses and transmissions but it's beyond the scope of any experiment to actually prove that anything outside of the brain is causing these waves and vibrations.

Therefore researchers can't say with any degree of certainty that an outside world really exists. For all intents and purposes life could be a giant shared hologram that each of us helps to broadcast.

While radical, the implications of this are simple: Whether we look at existence from the universe in, or from our brains outward, the result is the same.

Everything is created from pure energy by waves of thought. This is true of all that has ever been, all that currently exists, and anything with the potential of existing in the future.

While this can be a little mind-boggling, it doesn't have to be. In fact there is no real need to try and understand any of this; you only need to grasp the abstract notion that you create your life experiences and the world around you in every passing moment.

And you create all this by simply observing and believing in what you intend to see, feel, touch, or otherwise experience. From this perspective, can you see how what you believe has a powerful impact on the way your life unfolds?

What might your life look like if you were able to believe with every fiber of your being in an ideal vision? If you remove doubt or questioning and just decide to transition into a state of absolute belief, the events and circumstances you prefer will rapidly manifest into being.

You will effortlessly take possession of your ideal life experience once you stop trying and begin believing. The only work involved is in moving from a state of having faith to a state of knowing/believing without question.

While there are multiple techniques designed to assist you with this process, I urge you to simplify and just start accepting your preferred reality as the absolute truth. As soon as you wake up in the morning, before your mind slips back into the state of mundane acceptance, close your eyes for a few minutes and see your life as you would have it in every way.

Leave nothing out. See every detail and accept this image with faith beyond reproach.

Do this each morning for a month and I guarantee you'll see change. Combine this exercise with daily affirmations, meditation, and other intentional manifestation practices and you'll create miraculous results.

Always remember you have absolute power to as you choose it to be. It may take some practice, but the more you learn about the basics of quantum physics and the law of attraction the more you'll understand it is your nature to attract and create the reality you intend to experience!

Manifest Your Desires Faster With Metaphysics

Metaphysical studies are a fantastic way to enhance your deliberate life creation experience. A little openness will go a long way, and you don't need to join a monastery or sit in the wilderness for a week fasting.

For instance the simple practice of meditation can help you develop a calm, still mind and provide you with access to greater focus and emotional control. People who meditate for a few minutes each day have a much easier time getting tangible results with the law of attraction.

The study of Yoga, Reiki, and the major chakra points can bring you to greater understanding of your own energy field and subtle force. With the literal practice of moving energy comes great empowerment and a clear conceptualization of the manifestation process.

Please note...

I am not telling anyone they must engage in practices that frighten or confuse them. You absolutely can become a co-creator of your life and enjoy great abundance without delving into any esoteric practice.

At the same time I urge people to understand that there is nothing spooky, magical, or other worldly about the studies of meditation and energy channeling. All such things are en extension of our natural biology, and the more we know about ourselves the closer we are to mastering our lives.

At the very least I recommend learning basic meditation and practicing for a few minutes each morning. You may be pleasantly surprised by how much more vibrant and alert you become after just a week or two.

Disciplines like Tai Chi and Aikido that teach you how to feel, harness, and direct energy with your hands and body are also superb. These exercises can be applied directly to your visualizations and affirmations; imagine actually feeling and moving energy as you visualize the things you desire!

Ideally you should find one or two areas of study that appeal to you. Look for something that resonates with you and you'll catch on more quickly; and as you practice you will be internalizing a new process that can be used for the rest of your life to bring new goodness and power into your reality.

To learn more about and to collect your free guide to basic meditation be sure to visit the author's site today.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Techniques to Use With the Law of attraction

Techniques to Use With the Law of attraction

Do you need to make miracles in your life and make your dreams a reality?Then you probably have watched The Secret or heard of the Law of attraction. These are some Law of attraction techniques that I'm going to share with you that you could possibly enjoy.

First, you need to create the "have it now" feeling. In the Law of attraction, you will need to believe and act as if you possess what you want right now. This special [technique of visualization will help make you feel good which will help you be in a good frame of mind to be aligned with your desires Find a peaceful area where you can close your eyes and focus on what you want. You can start by getting up and walking around your neighborhood. Make believe that you succeeded in manifesting your desires. If you want something pretend that you have it like pretending to be a millionaire or having your ideal relationship. Just pretend whatever you want in life, pretend you have those what you want. You should walk as if you have it. You need to think as if you already have what you would like.

I feel like I already got what I would like every time I do this. I realize that there's nothing left to fight for or to struggle with. All I gotwas happiness and joy. This is my favorite Law of attraction rules because it creates an awesome feeling.

The second thing to try and do is to be thankful in what you have. The key to making the Law of attraction work for you is by having a grateful attitude. If you are being grateful to the blessings you have, it's like you're telling the Universe, "Thankyou for all the blessings!" The Universe would reciprocate and will give you more things to be thankful for.

One of the best way to cultivate the feelings of gratitude is to have a gratitude journal. Whatever you are grateful for, write them down on your paper..You'll realize that you could be thankful for everything about your life. One thing I wrote about is being grateful for getting my job on time. Furthermore, I wrote that I was grateful for missing the bus because it gave me the opportunity to listen to the birds while I waited for the next bus. This really is aneffective methodfor changing your way of thinking.

Third thing to do is just take the first step. Some people wouldn't take a chance to move towards their goal because they don't know the plan on how to get what they want. This must not hold you down though.Everyone that went out and reached their goals didn't know what the plan on how to achieve those goals. All you have to do is take the first step and wait for the next opportunity to come.

At the same time, don't just drag your feet waiting for the traffic lights in life to turn green. Just do the first step and wait for the Universe to reveal what you can do next. The Universe can provide you with whatever you want, but sometimes it won't give you the same thing that you expected.Be adaptable and be willing to adapt to thecourse when the correct time comes..This is one of the essential techniques of the Law of attraction you need to understand.

Start to see some real, tangible results in your life once you use these three Law of attraction techniques. Whatever your dreams in life are, at least you'll know how to achieve them and make them real. You can achieve your dreams and there's nothing left but to possess courage and faith for yourself.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Force Formula for Force

Force Formula for Force

Physics is a science that exemplifies every daily movement and activity made by us. And the whole of this science revolves around the concept of energy, motion and force. So what is force, basically? A simple push on an object or pulling it towards self is what we identify as force. Technically speaking, force is nothing but a form of energy in motion. This interesting concept was explained further by discovery of gravity. Newton described force as a vector quantity, since it had both direction and magnitude. As per the second law of motion by Newton, formula for force is a product of mass of the body and the acceleration with which the mass is moving. So let's understand on how to calculate force formula.

What is Force? Force is a push or a pull exerted by an in motion. Since Newton's laws of motion are based on the concept of force, the force is measured in Newtons (N).

Force (f) = mass (m) x acceleration (a)

where: is the change in velocity (v) over a period of time (t).

So what is velocity? Velocity is a vectored physical quantity which defines the rate of change of position of the mass over a period of time. So you can calculate the with the below formula:

Velocity (v) = (Distance) / (Time) = d / t

Hence, the average force formula is: Force (f) = m x a = m x v / t = m x (d / t)

But what is the net force formula? This is where we will understand what is friction. Friction is a force that is always existent between two surfaces when the surfaces try to glide over each other. This force always opposes the motion of one surface over the other and that is the reason why things don't keep slipping and falling off the surfaces that contain them. So the formula for net force will always be inclusive of the applied force and the resistant force exhibited by the entity. So the formula for force (net force) is calculated as:

Net force = Applied Force + Frictional force

Calculating Gravitational Force Formula What holds us to the ground? Why we don't float around in the air? The answer lies in one word: gravitational force. Newton's law on universal gravitation explains this force. When the apple fell to the ground from the tree, Newton analyzed that the force that had caused apple's fall had to be dependent on the mass of the apple. And he further deduced that the force which had caused the apple to fall was also dependent on mass of the earth. So as per Newton, the force of acting between the earth and the apple was directly proportional to the mass of both the entities and inversely proportional to the square of distance between the centers of the entities. So gravitational force formula can be represented as:

Fgav ~ (product of masses of the objects) / (square of the distance between the center of the objects)

Formulating the above equation, we obtain with the magnitude of gravitational force:

Fgav = G x (m1x m2)/d2

where G: Gravitational constant m1: Mass of object 1 m2: Mass of object 2 d: Distance between centers of the masses of objects

(G here is the constant of proportionality and has been calculated to be about 6.673 x 10-11 Newton meter2/Kg2. It is often known as the universal gravitation constant.)

Let's understand this formula better with an example:

Sample Problem: A 70 Kg student is traveling in a plane which is flying about 40000 feet above earth's surface. Earth's mass is about 5.98 x 1024 Kg. So what would be the gravitational force of attraction?

Solution: 40000 feet ~ 6.39 x 106 meters. G = 6.673 x 10-11 Newton meter2/Kg2 So Fgav = G x (m1x m2)/d2 = 6.673 x 10-11 x (5.98 x 1024 x 70) / (6.39 x 106)2 = 684 N

So the amount of gravitational force between the earth and the passenger is 684 Newtons (N). (Force is always measured in Newtons).

The other fundamental forces of nature apart from the force of gravitation are electromagnetic force (force that causes repulsion, between electric charges), weak forces (the forces responsible for radioactive decay) and strong forces (which are the forces that hold the nuclei of atoms together).

Calculating Centripetal Force Formula Have you ever sat on rides that contain swings? I bet, you must have enjoyed them in fairs. But have you ever wondered the feeling you experience in those rides is caused by what? You feel the spinning in your head, right? Well the answer lies in the term: centripetal force. So what is centripetal force? This is an unbalanced form of force that allows the object to move in a circular path towards the instantaneous center of curvature of the path traveled. The word "centripetal" itself originates from the Latin word - centrum (center) and petere (towards). So how to calculate the formula for force (centripetal force)?

Fcentripetal = (m x v2) / r

where m: mass of the object v: velocity with which the object is moving r: radius of the path of curvature

So hope, this article on calculation of force formula was interesting! Calculating formula for force becomes much easier if you are through with Newton's laws of motion. If you are interested in knowing how to calculate and , do refer our . So students, understand the concept behind the formulas you use and calculations in will be a cake walk for you!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Law of attraction Do You Really Want Things to Change in Your Life

Law of attraction Do You Really Want Things to Change in Your Life

I knew it!"

"I told you so!"

"Just as I thought!"

"Just as I'd expected"

"I knew she was going to be difficult!"

"I knew he was going to turn out to be a cheater!"

"I knew I should never have hired him"

"I knew I was going to hate this class...this job...this assignment".

These are just some of the expressions we use when we experience a situation that we have been dreading or assuming that would turn out negative and then we prove ourselves right.

So are these "premonitions" or are we walking into these situations thinking negatively ahead of time - thereby creating them?

The answer is both, because they both stem from the same thing - our preconceived thoughts about them.

You see, our brains like "labels." When a new experience or situation is on the horizon, it is our brains' natural function to try and put it into a "category" that we can relate to. These categories are built around past experiences we have had, or even sometimes simply heard about.

So quite often without realizing it, we can put a "future" experience into a negative category in our minds that will then "predict" the outcome of the new experience. Because we are already assuming the negative and believing the negative...well, let's just say it's not difficult to see how this is going to end up.

Here's an example. Imagine that a third grader on his first day of school is either especially exuberant or nervous. So on his first day he is either talking a lot or upset and uncooperative.

Now the teacher... who doesn't know this child yet...automatically "labels" this child as "going to be a problem" for the rest of the year. It's hard to blame the teacher from a practical standpoint, because the teacher knows that "bad" behavior has to be nipped in the bud immediately if he/she is going to maintain any kind of control over the class for the rest of the year.

So now the teacher "knows" this child has to be reprimanded as soon as the "bad" behavior begins to prevent it from getting worse. So from here on in, any time the child talks to someone else, the teacher pounces on it. If there is a dispute between this child and another student, the teacher automatically assumes that it is the "troublemakers" fault. The "troublemaker" gets spoken to more harshly than the other children and gets reprimanded more often.

So now how do you think the third grader is going to interpret this? That the teacher doesn't like him - that the teacher is always picking on him - that the teacher doesn't talk to the other students that way, etc.

So, if that is true, how do you think this student is likely to behave in the future? With anger, with resentment, by acting out "just as the teacher assumed that he would", because the teacher just knew he was going to be a troublemaker; meanwhile the child is simply re-acting to the way he was being treated in the first place.

This is the kind of vicious circle many of us get caught up in. We have one bad experience, then immediately assume anything like it belongs in the same bad experience category, so we right off the bat start looking for the "problems."

Then of course, after we have brought these exact problems about we say "You see? I knew it! I knew it was going to turn out this way!"


What else can we expect to happen? We're expecting it to be a bad experience, we are focusing on all the "bad" in it... how can it end up being anything else?

If you feel you keep having the same "bad" experiences over and over again it might be time to look at your own "labeling system." Are you walking into a situation automatically assuming that you are not going to enjoy it? Automatically assuming it is going to be a bad experience, simply because of what has happened in the past?

For instance, a dreaded job, an invitation, a relationship, a financial situation, even something as mundane as a retail store? Do you ever find yourself saying things like "I hate going to that store, the lines are always so long," or I can never find a salesperson when I need one".

It is time to remember that you have the choice in every single minute to change your thoughts about something. It is time to remember that today is a new day and just because "this happened" last time - there is nothing outside of you that is saying that it has to happen the same way again. Only you can make that choice. Only you can decide what part of a situation you want to focus upon. Only you can decide what you would like the new outcome to be.

There is a favorite quote of mine from Wayne Dyer that says "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

Even though it may seem to you that "nothing ever changes" it is in fact changing constantly. Every single situation is different and brings something new to the table. However, if you keep having the same "old" thoughts about it -- then you are just going to naturally reproduce the same "old" outcomes.

So in the future, try to catch yourself when you start to go through this labeling practice. When you feel yourself automatically dreading something that reminds you of a past experience, catch yourself and soothe yourself into knowing that just because that is what happened last time, does not mean it has to happen again.

Keep your focus on a different outcome. Daydream and imagine different possibilities that you hadn't considered before. If a negative thought tries to pop in, pivot and think about what you would like to experience.

You will be amazed at how easily you can create an entirely different outcome simply by having an entirely different thought about it.