Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Yoga and the Law of attraction

Yoga and the Law of attraction  Yoga and the Law of attraction

Everything! Yoga has everything to do with the Law of attraction and manifesting the life you truly desire. Yoga, like the Law of attraction is 24 hours a day, not just some 60 minute workout. It's whether or not we realize it. It's whether or not we realize that IT IS HAPPENING. And always has been.

What does Yoga have to do with the Law of attraction?

What does Yoga have to do with the Law of attraction? Believe it or not, everything! In the West, Yoga is generally thought of as a physical exercise for the very flexible. And while those physical postures are a part of Yoga, the Ancient Science includes so much more.

The term Yoga comes from 2 sanskrit terms "yuz' (meaning a medium) and "gha" (meaning action). Therefore, one meaning of Yoga is: a medium + an action = to achieve a desired result. In yoga practice, we use the body as a medium to control and still the mind to experience the liberation of the soul.

Yoga is commonly known to mean; yolk or bind. This means to yolk the mind to the body, yolk a soul to a soul (marriage), or the individual with the Divine Creator. In Yoga, the goal is to renew our individual mind with the "Mind of God", the Generator-the Organizer-the Deliverer. And this Mind, lives in every cell of our body. One of the goals of the physical yoga posturing we are so familiar with is to reconnect our awareness with our body's awareness of this ever-fresh "Mind of God" that is literally within us.

Being connected with this "Mind of God" also initiates the Generator-Organizer-Deliverer within. This is where we become not just the "attractor" of our experience, but the "Deliberate Creator" of our experience. This is Yoga, the Individual realizes their unity with the Divine Creator, and from there... attraction happens... consciously or unconsciously.

Whatever it is you want to create, and especially if you are in that place where you DON'T know what you want to create... Try on this experiment:

Twice a day; upon rising and upon retiring. Answer these questions from your innermost being. Your mission for the rest of the day is to stay connected with that place throughout your days experiences.

When you first become "aware that you are aware" (aka as "awake" for most people) in the morning, take notice of your breath and how you are breathing. Is it through your mouth, or nose, deep or shallow, continuous or with pauses, difficult or easy? Does the air feel cool, dry, or warm? Are your eyes open or closed? Is your body comfortable or in pain? Are you eager to be waking or dreading the day? Begin to slowly move your body.

Did you stretch before you got out of bed? Did it feel good? How do your clothes feel on your skin? Do you really enjoy wearing them?

How does the coffee REALLY taste? How about breakfast? Are you even hungry before you start eating?Eating fast or slow? Did you REALLY taste your food? Do you completely chew one bite and swallow it before taking the next? Are all your tastes and cravings satisfied? How does your stomach feel now?

Continue to notice your breath. Is it hard or easy? Deep or shallow? Does your belly move when you breathe or your chest, or both? Can you feel the air at the tip of your nostrils? Is your jaw tight?

To complete this exercise throughout the entire day may prove to be quite a daunting task. If so, try it for just half the day to start, but be sure to complete it at bedtime. It will assist you in being more aware of your transition into sleep. This exercise will take you off "automatic" and put you into the mental plane of Yoga. Living off "automatic" may or may not be an enjoyable experience for you. The answers to these little seemingly insignificant questions will give you the places where you truly desire change and can easily start to create it. Within one week, your Life will begin to open up attracting more of the experiences that you REALLY do want.

If you want more information on additional tools available to you check out There is also an invitation to participate in a 7 week on-line video course that dives head first into understanding how the law of attraction is working. The possibilities for you and your life are truly endless.

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