Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Secret Law of attraction Exercises

The Secret Law of attraction Exercises  The Secret Law of attraction Exercises

There are a lot of things that you can do to help focus your mind on the positive. If you can consistantly focus on the positive and look for the good in the things around you, you can manifest anything you desire. You will be more open to the opportunities that are constantly floating around you, waiting for you to realize they are there. Lets take a look at a few of them.

Meditation Focus Your Mind

Meditation is the first thing you should do. If you can't learn to quiet your mind and forcus on all the things that you want in life, all the other things that you will do will have little effect.

The idea is first to remove all the thoughts that are in your mind, that would include all of the negative stuff. We all have them. It can be extremely dificult to stop thinking completely, but it can be done. Just focus on your breathing. Whenever a thought comes into your mind, aknowledge it and let it go. Then go back to focusing on your breathing.

When you can rid your mind of all thoughts, then you can start to focus on the things that are positive, the things that you want to manifest into your life. When you can dominate your thoughts with these positive thoughts, they will begin to manifest around you.

Record a CD With the things you want in life on it.

Take several pages and write all the things that you want to manifest into your life. Write them all. There can be hundreds of them.

Find a digital recorder and record yourself stating these positive things. Leave enough time in between each statement for you to repeat them when you listening to the recording later.

Save the recording onto your computer and burn it onto a CD.

Listen to this CD several times a day. I like to listen to mine on the way to work and on the way home from work. This usually puts me into a good mood thing about how my life is maifesting around me.

Vision Boards Collect Pictures of What You Want

This one is easy.

Find all your old magazines that no one ever reads anymore. Cut out the images that you want to see in your life. Paste them onto a peice of cardboard or pin them onto a coarkboard.

Display this vision board somewhere you can see it everyday.

When you look at this vision board, visualise the items alread being in your life. Feel the feelings you will have when it is in your life. These feelings will help those things come into your life.

Mind Movies

You may have seen these all over They are little movies made of images, music and words. These images, Music and Words are picked by you and are meant to inspire you to think positively and to visualize what you want and desire.

If you are technically savy and want to create your own Mind Movie, go for it. Watch it 2-3 times every day and watch these things come into your life.

If you are not technically savy, find a mind movie on that matches what you want in life. Watch that one 2-3 times everyday and visualise what you want in life.

Write your Manifestations.

Find a blank notebook and write one thing that you intend to come into your life. Write that same intention over and over 'til you have filled the entire notebook. When you are writing these sentences, visualise having what you intended in your life.

Get a Double Sided Coin

Buy a coin that has heads on both sides. You want heads because heads is positive in most of our minds whereas tails is negative. When you need to make the right decision or you want something good to happen in your life, flip the coin betting on heads. This will allways make you right.

Carry a Reminder

Some people carry a memory stone. Others carry an Item someone gave them. What you need is something to remind you to think positive. Whenever you reach in your pocket, you feel it and remember to think about good things.

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