Sunday, August 25, 2013

Important Steps to Applying the Law of attraction

Important Steps to Applying the Law of attractionImportant Steps to Applying the Law of attraction

The law of attraction is actually one of the most common of universal laws and holds that we attract things into our lives based on our thoughts, feelings, and actions. This law helps you to tap into your best and your most unlimited self and helps you create the life you truly desire and deserve to live.

The law of attraction brings the things, which you have created by your thought processes, whether consciously or unconsciously. The energy you are vibrating will magnetize into your reality that experience which matches that energy. If we work with the law we will be inspired and motivated to take the right action and to move swiftly towards our goals.

The law of attraction is helpful for us to condition our minds and our thoughts to attract the life we want and not the other way around. Visualization is an important part of manifesting a desire, as you are instilling into your conscious and subconscious mind the details of what you want. Having a general belief that good things will happen to you is all that you have to do to get what you stand in need of. If you already have an image in mind, you can start asking for it and attracting it by feeling and enjoying it like it has already happened. You can manifest your desires using meditation, positive thinking, creative visualization and positive affirmations for a better life.

There are many excellent books written by powerful teachers discussing the law of attraction. One thing is certain, regardless of which method you decide to use in order to learn about the law of attraction: it works. Wallace wattles, one of the early authors on the law of attraction wrote: "there is a thinking stuff from which all things are made. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imagined by the thought. In order to do this, man must pass from the competitive to the creative mind. That energy can be wave or particle,

If you would like to attract a joyful and fulfilling life, there are some basics you should know about applying the law of attraction. Here are 4 key steps to successfully using the law that are involved in applying the law of attraction. First in order to "receive", you need to "ask", ask it from the universe. Believe in yourself of receiving your desired wants that you ask for. Be very specific and particular about your desires. Be grateful for that which you already have.

The law of attraction is working constantly to bring us the things we are constantly thinking about, and it does so by inspiring us and motivating us to take action.

After applying the law of attraction to your life, you may notice immediate effects; or you may not. But the most important thing to keep in mind is that thoughts are energy and those who learn the ways to use the law of attraction effectively become very successful in achieving the successes they want to see in their lives.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

How to use the law of attraction to shed the pounds

How to use the law of attraction to shed the poundsHow to use the law of attraction to shed the pounds

For those who do not understand the law of attraction you will be able to see just how powerful it really is. There are steps to the law of attraction and you will be able to do everything that you wish, including shedding that extra weight. You will find that there is a lot that you will need to do in order to lose the weight, but it is mostly mind over matter. As soon as you begin to use the law of attraction to lose weight, you will notice that you'll get smaller and small, but also stronger and stronger.

The law of attraction is mostly mind over matter. You will find that it is basically manipulating the way that you see the work of losing weight and it also will manipulate the way that you see yourself. The first step to the law of attraction is to ask the universe or yourself for something. In this case you will want to ask to lose a specific amount of weight. If you do not believe in the system, then you will want to ask for a small amount and then redo the process over and over again until you have reached your goal weight.

The second step in the law of attraction is to get rid of the negative energy and replace it will positive energy. This is why most people tend to give up on the dieting and the working out. They are so overwhelmed with feelings of negativity that it just blocks any and all success that they might have had. You will also want to take inconsideration that there are things that you are going to have to do in order to let go of the negativity.

Basically, you will need to consider the fact that there is much more energy inside you then you think. There is energy that brings you down, and then there is energy that pumps you up. You need to be able to shed the negative feelings and start thinking about yourself for a change and not allow other people to affect your thinking.

The third step to the law of attraction is to get over the fear and act like you have already seen success. You need to find radiance with positive energy. Basically, you need to go to that gym like you are a better persona and beautiful from the inside and outside. You need to change your whole way of thinking. Instead of saying "I can" try saying "I am". This will give your confidence a boast and you will also be able to make a huge difference in the amount of success that you see.

Finally, you will just need to accept what it is that you have asked. You have already come so far at this point. You have found out who you are, what you want, and you have released that negative energy with a positive energy. You will also find that not only did you set your mind to something and went for it, but you have found a great success in your weigh loss, even if you didn't hit your ideal weight. You just need to continue to work at and use the law of attraction, and you will soon be able to see the extra success.

The success in something like this is that you will become someone who is crazy successful and powerful, and confidant. People who need to lose the weight lack power and confidence, and this is something that you will be able to gain through the law of attraction.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

the law of attraction and athletes feetmy first results.

the law of attraction and athletes feetmy first results.the law of attraction and athletes feetmy first results.

a pair of shoes.

After almost two years of studying the laws of the universe,trying to master the law of attraction,today I had my first break through.But before I tell you what I've learned,here's a little back ground info that led to my first successful use of the attraction process.It all started six months ago,when I came down with a tremendous case of athletes feet.At the time I was working in a food processing plant,and was constantly exposed to water,and the water boots that I was provided by the company could not keep my feet dry.I ended up going to see my doctor at the V.A. hospital,and he hooked me up with some real powerful prescription strength athletes feet cream.with in a week I was good to go.One month later it came back with a vengeance.Same scenario,back to see my doctor.This time around I was advised to get rid of my work boots and get a new pair,whichI did.time passed I was laidoff,looking for another job and about a month ago I had another case O.K,this time around It wasn't that severe Ipicked up some foo t cream from the local CVS and problem solved.SoI decided to get rid of all of my shoes and socks and purchase new ones.Which I did.This decision left me with one pair of shoes.A few days ago I had a accident which left the side of my shoe split at the seams.With sixty bucks to my name I was pondering for the last two days whether or not to buy new shoes or keep what I had and just tough it out for a week and just buy a pair next week.For two days ever where went I became upset and self consciousabout walking around with busted shoes on my feet.Last night I decided I would get a haircut today and just wear the shoes for a few more days and keep my money in my pocket.This morning on my way to the barber-shop,getting a new pair of shoes weighed heavily on my heavy that I was getting pretty damn angry that I (a grown man!)was even in this situation!A pair of SHOES!?!?!!come on now!Then a funny thing happened as I approached the barber shop,two young men(brothers)pulled up next to me and asked did I want to buy some shoes!I said no and explained to them that I didn't have enough money.they informed me that they had lost their jobs and was selling their stuff to raise rentmoney until their unemployment kicked in and right now they really needed twenty dollars to put gas in their van(they had been riding around all morning)and that they would sale me two pair of shoes for twenty dollars.of course I jumped on the deal,and what Igot was to pair of Air Jordans that needed a little cleaning up and they would be good as new!two pair of shoes that run one hundred and forty dollars a piece,for twenty dollars.can't beat it.As I was getting my haircut I was staring at the jordans in front of me and realized what happened,and most importantly I realized why it happened.I attracted that situation to me.For two days shoes dominated my mind,and at the same time because I really needed those shoesI was feeling very intense feelings of anger because Ireally needed those shoes.It was my feelings and my focus that attracted the se events to me.After two years of focus,visualization,positivity,asking,receiving,believing,vision boards and all.My break through finally came because I needed a pair of shoes,and I was feeling very strongly about getting those pair of shoes!The key to it all is FEELINGS,intense passion about what ever it is.So now I'm trying to master my feelings so I can attract at will.KEY NUMBER ONE:channel your powerful energy created by emotions (positive or negative)into what you are trying to do and you will see results.peace,I'm Audi 5000.

When Did The Law of attraction Start

When Did The Law of attraction Start When Did The Law of attraction Start

The Law of attraction started with the creation of the universe and the creation of thought.

The challenging question is, when did mankind first become aware of this law?

The answer to that is unknown, although there is some evidence to suggest that people knew about universal law at least 6000 or 7000 years ago.

Research on the history of the law of attraction provides us with many inspirational quotes, which gives us plenty of evidence that the laws were truly understood.

When studying the history of the Law of attraction we see that Buddha said,

'All that we are is the result of what we have thought.'

A powerful statement, not only do we create the material things in our lives by what we think, we also create ourselves.

Further evidence in the history of the Law of attraction can be found in the King James version of the Bible. We see that Job may not have fully understood the workings of attraction, however like many people today he suffered the consequences of the law by not using it for his good.

In Job 3: 25, it reads,

'For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.'

How many of us are creating what we do not desire in life? How many of us are setting ourselves up as victims because we do not understand or are not consciously using the law of attraction?

Without knowing when the phrase Attraction was first coined, it is difficult to document the first writings. Law of attraction awareness was certainly awakened in the last century or so, with many authors and scientists writing, perhaps controversially, at the turn of the last century.

Many of these books are now in the public domain and are available in eBook format from the Law-of-Attraction-Guide library.

James Allen is best known work As a Man Thinketh, which is one of the most powerful law of attraction books written.

The forward states,

'to stimulate men and women to the discovery and perception of the truth that - they themselves are makers of themselves by virtue of the thoughts which they choose and encourage; that mind is the master-weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance, and that, as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness.'

As you can see the style of writing is rather dated and needs to be read carefully.

Wallace Wattles studied the various religious beliefs and philosophies of the world including those of Descartes, Spinoza, Leibnitz, Schopenhauer, Hegel, Swedenborg, Emerson, and others.

He translated those studies into several books including The Science of Getting Rich. In this book he builds upon the following statement,

'There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. I can form things in my thought, and by impressing my thoughts upon formless substance, can cause the thing I think about to be created.'

In the past 30 years, this book has been used as the basis to teach many people about the law of attraction, and was the inspiration for the movie, The Secret.

Charles Haanel was a noted American author and businessman who belonged to the American Scientific League, The Author's League of America, The American Society of Psychical Research, the St. Louis Humane Society and the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce.

Haanel wrote several books that were published in St. Louis by Psychology Publishing and by his Master Key Institute in New York.

Mr. Haanel put into books the ideas and methods he used to gain his success. Besides the Master Key System, which he wrote in 1912, he also wrote Mental Chemistry and The New Psychology.

By 1933 The Master Key System had sold over 200,000 copies and then seemingly disappeared.

Studying the history of the law of attraction, The Master Key System has proved to be one of the finest studies in self-improvement and higher consciousness ever written. Covering everything from attracting abundance and prosperity, to greater health and happiness. This system teaches the principles and practise of the laws of cause and effect.

One of the most inspirational quotations written in the introduction of the book is,

'Abundance, therefore, depends upon recognition of the laws of Abundance, and the fact that Mind is not only the creator, but the only creator of all there is.'

Again the writing style requires careful reading, but is well worth it.

The Master Key System was originally written as a 24 part correspondence course and therefore is far more practical as a step by step building process, with weekly law of attraction exercises and lessons.

The Master Key System is the spine of our own training program Unlock The Power of You

Napolean Hill is considered to have influenced more people into success than any other person in history. He has been perhaps the most influential man in the area of personal success development.

Napoleon Hill achieved great success as an attorney and journalist. His early career as a reporter helped finance his way through law school. He was given an assignment to write a series of success stories of famous men, and his big break came when he was asked to interview steel-magnate Andrew Carnegie.

Mr. Carnegie commissioned Hill to interview over 500 millionaires to find a success formula that could be used by the average person. These included Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Henry Ford, Elmer Gates, Charles M. Schwab, Theodore Roosevelt, William Wrigley Jr, John Wanamaker, WIlliam Jennings Bryan, George Eastman, Woodrow Wilson, William H. Taft, John D. Rockefeller, F. W. Woolworth, Jennings Randolph, among others. He became an advisor to Andrew Carnegie, and with Carnegie's help he formulated a philosophy of success, drawing on the thoughts and experience of a multitude of rags-to-riches tycoons.

It took Hill over 20 years to produce his book, a classic in the Personal Development field called Think and Grow Rich. This book has sold over 7 million copies and has helped thousands achieve success. The secret to success is very simple but you'll have to read the book to find out what it is!

The first copy of Think and Grow rich was sold in 1937. Eleven years later, in February 1948, Coronet magazine polled 300 successful young men and women, asking, 'What books had most influenced their lives and contributed to their success?' Think and Grow Rich was ranked fourth. Some 38 years later USA Today published a list of the top 10 selling paperbacks about investments, Think and Grow Rich ranked No.1. Incredibly in 2002, some 65 years after it was published, Think and Grow Rich was tenth in the Business Week bestsellers.

Napoleon Hills work stands as a monument to individual achievement and is the cornerstone of modern motivation. His book, Think and Grow Rich, is the all time best seller in the field.

Florence Scovel is one of the first metaphysics teachers of this past century. In her book The Game of Life and How to Play It, she states;

'Most people consider life a battle, but it is not a battle, it is a game. It is a game, however, which cannot be played successfully without the knowledge of spiritual law, and the Old and the New Testaments give the rules of the game with wonderful clearness.'

Jesus Christ taught that it was a great game of Giving and Receiving. 'Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap'

This means that whatever man sends out in word or deed, will return to him; what he gives, he will receive. If he gives hate, he will receive hate; if he gives love, he will receive love; if he gives criticism, he will receive criticism; if he lies he will be lied to; if he cheats he will be cheated.

Florence is also quoted as saying -

'Infinite spirit opens the way for my great abundance. I am an irresistible magnet for all that belongs to me by divine right. My supply is endless, inexhaustible and immediate and comes to me under grace in perfect ways.'

It is my belief, that at our very core, people want to have a peaceful and harmonious world. I also believe that as people become aware of the Law of attraction, they will realize that they can influence the world by their belief and will be an agent for positive change for the future. It is important that more and more people become aware of and use the law of attraction daily to create tremendous lives for themselves and others.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Physical Attraction In Men and Women

Physical Attraction In Men and WomenPhysical Attraction In Men and Women

World's Most Attractive Women Aishwarya Rai, Keira Knightley, Julia Roberts and Nicole Kidman

World's Most Attractive Men George Clooney, Brad Pitt and David Beckham

And You?

The movie Laws of Attraction is well-threaded light comedy but meaningful story where two top divorce lawyers, who have never lost a case, both gorgeous, and both single battle it out in court. Audrey is edgy and uptight, a perfectionist, while Dan is more the sloppy, debonair, intuitive type. Ultimately get romantic about each other.

Attraction is a special quality in a person that inspires fascination in others. It is a characteristic that provides pleasure and attracts. For Example, "flowers are an attractor for bees". This can be cultivated. You can create positive vibrations that seem to come from and surround your person. Once these attractions are cultivated, you begin to exercise stimulus on others. According to Dr. Albert points out even standing in a room as attraction criteria. "Where you are in a room (and what you're doing) has a lot to do with your ability to attract." Thus be in center to be attracted. Anyway there are lots of things to learn about attraction.

"He is greatest whose strength carries up the most hearts by the attraction of his own" said Henry Ward Beecher.

Being Attracted

Attraction is an attention, affection and respect. To get success in attracting others including attention, affection and respect, you can walk on following ways.

Like attracts like "There is a law of attraction", says Norman Peale "Like attracts like. Birds of a feather flock together". If you like or love someone then only expect someone to like you.

Giving is virtue. Dont count it. God loves a cheerful giver. It is more blessed to give rather than to receive. Let your heart shares what you have with others. In society people give or donate to show or represent their egos. Giving is most positive feeling. Give without expecting anything in return. It is not necessary to give big things only. This feeling comes from heart and only that make you pleasant.

Live out Humility "Humility is not renunciation of pride but the substitution one pride for another", suggested Eric Hoffman. Charity, tolerance and humility have supreme value. Humility and inner peace go hand in hand. Believe in self rather proving to others. While cultivating humility stop ego which is nearest factor in this process.

Purity "Faith attracts the heart," says Scheeben. Faith and patience are pre-condition of attraction or being attracted.

Saw The Desired What we tell ourselves about our lives and ourselves day after day has a great effect. All the time, see and think of yourself as and attractive personality. Keep the image of it clearly before the mind. You will then attract all the things necessary to accomplish it. Be cheerful and hopeful no matter is positive.

Cheerful Face Laughter is great wealth. Get your face cheerful. When you smile your brain puts into action the endorphins the natural pain relieving system of the body. Other than that, smile relaxes you. A smile wins friends. Give it freely to people. Andre Crippa says, "We do not completely love those at whom we cannot smile." It pleases others and also lifts your own spirit. While attracting others keep in mind that a smile makes the distance among two people shortest.

Enthusiasm & Passion It is mother of success. It brings money, power and influence. Ralph Emerson says "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. Then how is it possible to attract without enthusiasm. Believe in your work. Love your every job you do. Get enthusiasm into your personality. Do not hold back because of feeling unsure about projecting enthusiasm. Enthusiasm can do wonders for you.

Manners Good behavior, courtesy and kindness make others to believe in you. A good manner is the art of making those people easy with whom we converse. Jonathan Swift. It is a source of pleasure. It secures all the honors. Manner is not limited to only few people. Behave to everyone as if you were with great guest.

Control "The senses have been conditioned by attraction to the pleasant and aversion to the unpleasant: a man should not be ruled by them; they are obstacles in his path." - Bhagavad Gita . Attraction develops into desire and desire breeds anger. Controlling attraction or being attracted above par is necessary.

Probably theory of attraction will clarify our sights to follow up true attraction.

Theory of Attraction

Attraction Theory is defined as the theory concerned with the process involved in attributing causation or motivation to a person's behavior. Why are we attracted to certain individuals and not others? Many scholars believe attraction is based on people who are more similar to us. "Reinforcement and attraction are positively correlated, the more reinforcement one gets, the more attraction one feels" (Byrne, 1967). Attraction is based on three major factors (see DeVito, 1998):

Attractiveness - Mans personal qualities and womans physical attractiveness are more common factors of attraction.

Proximity "The people who become friends (or more) were those who had the greatest opportunity to interact" says DeVito.

Similarity - Perceived similarity is the degree to which we believe another's characteristics are similar to ours- is often sufficient to attract us to others" says Infate.

Try it. Follow anything that is good! However I hope I did it. What? Attraction!

Further Readings

How to attract people? By Lion A.R. Shantilal Nahar

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Secret is True (sort of)

The Secret is True (sort of)  The Secret is True (sort of)

If you want to achieve something, you had better work for it, visualize success and everything you will need to get where you want to go. This visualization is called 'The Secret'.

But will visualization get you everything you want?

The 'law of attraction' (as the secret is also known) seems to say you CAN.

The Truth in The Secret Is the secret true?

My personal opinion is that 'The Secret' is sort of true - and sort of not true. Here are my reasons for agreeing with The Secret:

It is true that success usually comes to people who know what they want and are willing to do what is necessary to get it

Gratitude really helps you become a better, happier person.

It is true that emotion and health are related. If you are depressed, you are also likely to develop physical problems.

I use visualization myself as a tool to make it very clear to myself what I'm working towards

If you want to change your life, it will help to visualize the way you want things to be, instead of only focusing on what is wrong now.

If you want something, do not pass opportunities by. This ought to be obvious, really - but it is part of 'the secret'

Reminding yourself of what you want, through affirmations and even notes posted around the house is a good way to stay focused.

What is NOT true in The Secret

Success comes to people who aren't only determined, but also lucky, talented and hard working. The Secret only addresses determined and hard working.

Illness may be linked to emotion, but it is going too far to say that therefor those who are ill brought this on themselves. Some illnesses like cancer are actually known to bring depression along with them. In that case it is going to be very hard to 'just think positively'.

Emotion is linked to the body as much as the body is linked to emotion. An unhealthy body will often bring on negative emotion.

Blaming the sick, the poor and the needy for their condition is like kicking someone when they are down. Helping them get up is a more appropriate response.

The Secret often sounds like a ticket towards wealth - but that is bull. We can't all be wealthy - for one thing: there aren't enough resources on this poor earth.

If you want to change your life, dreaming about how you want things to be isn't going to help. You need to focus on what's wrong now and fix it. Usually it will be ONE STEP AT A TIME.

Wealth is not the only way to get happy and fulfilled. , and .

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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Knowing The Law of attraction and Changing Our Lives For The Better

Knowing The Law of attraction and Changing Our Lives For The BetterKnowing The Law of attraction and Changing Our Lives For The Better

If we understand Cause and Effect, can we change the Cause and change the Effect on our lives for the better?

For every effect in your life, there is a cause, or series of specific, measurable, definable, identifiable causes.

We all know someone who is a Law of attraction intention manifest master, someone who, seemingly understands the Law of attraction success principles and with ease appears to have everything they want, usually people who weve thought, much more fortunate than we were.

The Secret Law of attraction Guide says, we attract to our life what we give our focus, energy and attention to.

So are these people deliberately attracting a better lifestyle or not?

For those of us who have applied our attention, energy and focus on without, we are still using Cause and Effect, its just that our attention has been focused in the wrong direction.

This Law says that if there is anything you want in life, an effect that you desire, you can find someone else that has achieved the same result or effect, and that by doing the same things that they have done, over and over you can eventually enjoy the same results and rewards.

However, Cause and Effect cuts in both ways. It also says that if there is an unwanted effect in your life, whether its no money, bad relationships, unsatisfying career, or any other difficulty, you can trace that effect back to the things that you have done to cause it and that by removing the causes you can begin to remove the effects, sometimes as quickly as overnight.

>From this moment on, using Cause and Effect to attract abundance and prosperity, will be down to your knowledge, not be down to luck.

As with any skill you will need to practise affirmations, law of attraction visualization, and law of attraction exercises like powerful manifestations to attract those things you desire. And I mean practise, I can tell you how to play the piano, but I cant make you practise, I can not give you the determination to keep trying this until you make it work.

Im reminded of a lesson I was once taught, "Intelligence is not the secret of success, as I know many disillusioned intellects, skill is not the secret of success, as I know many talented failures, but persistence, is the only way to succeed"

Although some of us are better at certain skills, that doesn't mean the rest of us, with practice, can't improve or even surpass the talent expressed by another.

Grasping a better understanding of the process of Cause and Effect and the Law Attraction, is the first step in attracting abundance and prosperity to manifest your dreams.

Success, however you define it, is not an accident. It is not a result of good luck versus bad luck. Even if you have not taken the time to clearly identify how you got from where you were to where you are today, there have been a series of specific steps that you have taken that have brought you to where you are at this minute. And the fact is, they could have brought you to no other place.

You have used Cause and Effect to bring you to where and what you are now. It has been your choices and your decisions over the months and years that have inevitably determined the condition of your life at this moment.

The most wonderful part of this is that at any time you can start making different choices and different decisions, taking different steps and you will inevitably arrive at a different place than where you are today.

In its simplest terms, successful, happy, healthy, prosperous people are those that have discovered the laws that govern our lives and have designed their lives so that they are in harmony with those laws. As a result, through Cause and Effect, they experience far more joy and satisfaction, and accomplish far more in a few years then the average person does in a lifetime.

The Law of attraction is commonly associated with wealth creation. This is a misconception. These laws are the defining principles that govern every aspect of your life; relationships, family, business and health.

When ever you need to succeed the Law of attraction and your mental attitude will define the level of your success, or indeed failure.

Cause and Effect is this thoughts are causes and conditions are effects. Your mind is the most powerful force in your universe. A man becomes what he thinks about most of the time.

You are, where you are and what you are, because of your habitual ways of thinking.

Your thoughts are creative, and they ultimately create your reality. So if you change your thinking, you change your life.

whatsoever a man soweth, that also shall he reap, whatever you are reaping today is a result of what you have sown in the past.

This is a summary of a chapter from Charles Haanals Master Key System, called Reversing the Process from Cause to Effect.

You will see that every conceivable force or object or fact is the result of mind in action.

Mind in action is thought, and thought is creative. Men are thinking now, as they never thought before. Therefore, this is a creative age, and the world is awarding its richest prizes to the thinkers.

Matter is powerless, passive, and inert. Mind is force, energy, and power. Mind shapes and controls matter. Every form which matter takes is but the expression of some pre-existing thought.

But thought works no magic transformations; it obeys Natural Laws; it sets in motion natural forces; it releases natural energies; it manifests in your conduct and actions, and these in turn react upon your friends and acquaintances, and eventually upon the whole of your environment.

You can originate thought, and since thoughts are creative, you can create for yourself the things you desire.

Whether it is called Cause and Effect, the Laws of Attraction, the Power of Positive Thinking, Powerful Intensions or simply Sowing and Reaping, they all follow universal principles that have existed since the beginning of man on this earth.

All success, happiness and high achievement comes from organizing your life in conformance with these Cause and Effect principles. When you do, you will achieve satisfaction and enjoyment at levels seldom experienced by the average person and of course, people will start to refer to you as lucky.

We should be aware, but never ever dwell on the negative, as the principle of life and metaphysics that is embodied in the law of attraction, that is that you get what you think about; your thoughts determine your destiny.

To utilize the Law of attraction you need to understand the principle of Cause and Effect, the following is a short 3-step process:

Ask: Ask what you want in an object/scenario context

Believe: Maintain Focus; the universe will answer

Receive: Do not hesitate when the goal is manifested; seize it without hesitation.

Sounds simple enough doesnt it?

Ask What could be easier, however as we have already discussed, this is not as simple as that. To ask will involve positive visualisation techniques, possibly words of affirmations, vision boards or meditation. Whatever technique you use the art of asking is being accurate and specific.

Believe One of the hardest principles to get hold of, to believe, not to doubt in any way whatsoever. When we look at the possibility of Attracting the winning lottery numbers, in principal thats fine, but can you submit youre numbers and without any shadow of doubt know, hand on heart, that you have the winning ticket? Doubt Blocks.

Receive Now that must be simple? Mind you has opportunity ever presented itself to you, which, in hindsight you wish youd taken? Seize it without hesitation but with gratitude.

These methods are great for getting started but you really need to gain full control over your subconscious, to really see the power of positive thinking.