Saturday, August 17, 2013

the law of attraction and athletes feetmy first results.

the law of attraction and athletes feetmy first results.the law of attraction and athletes feetmy first results.

a pair of shoes.

After almost two years of studying the laws of the universe,trying to master the law of attraction,today I had my first break through.But before I tell you what I've learned,here's a little back ground info that led to my first successful use of the attraction process.It all started six months ago,when I came down with a tremendous case of athletes feet.At the time I was working in a food processing plant,and was constantly exposed to water,and the water boots that I was provided by the company could not keep my feet dry.I ended up going to see my doctor at the V.A. hospital,and he hooked me up with some real powerful prescription strength athletes feet cream.with in a week I was good to go.One month later it came back with a vengeance.Same scenario,back to see my doctor.This time around I was advised to get rid of my work boots and get a new pair,whichI did.time passed I was laidoff,looking for another job and about a month ago I had another case O.K,this time around It wasn't that severe Ipicked up some foo t cream from the local CVS and problem solved.SoI decided to get rid of all of my shoes and socks and purchase new ones.Which I did.This decision left me with one pair of shoes.A few days ago I had a accident which left the side of my shoe split at the seams.With sixty bucks to my name I was pondering for the last two days whether or not to buy new shoes or keep what I had and just tough it out for a week and just buy a pair next week.For two days ever where went I became upset and self consciousabout walking around with busted shoes on my feet.Last night I decided I would get a haircut today and just wear the shoes for a few more days and keep my money in my pocket.This morning on my way to the barber-shop,getting a new pair of shoes weighed heavily on my heavy that I was getting pretty damn angry that I (a grown man!)was even in this situation!A pair of SHOES!?!?!!come on now!Then a funny thing happened as I approached the barber shop,two young men(brothers)pulled up next to me and asked did I want to buy some shoes!I said no and explained to them that I didn't have enough money.they informed me that they had lost their jobs and was selling their stuff to raise rentmoney until their unemployment kicked in and right now they really needed twenty dollars to put gas in their van(they had been riding around all morning)and that they would sale me two pair of shoes for twenty dollars.of course I jumped on the deal,and what Igot was to pair of Air Jordans that needed a little cleaning up and they would be good as new!two pair of shoes that run one hundred and forty dollars a piece,for twenty dollars.can't beat it.As I was getting my haircut I was staring at the jordans in front of me and realized what happened,and most importantly I realized why it happened.I attracted that situation to me.For two days shoes dominated my mind,and at the same time because I really needed those shoesI was feeling very intense feelings of anger because Ireally needed those shoes.It was my feelings and my focus that attracted the se events to me.After two years of focus,visualization,positivity,asking,receiving,believing,vision boards and all.My break through finally came because I needed a pair of shoes,and I was feeling very strongly about getting those pair of shoes!The key to it all is FEELINGS,intense passion about what ever it is.So now I'm trying to master my feelings so I can attract at will.KEY NUMBER ONE:channel your powerful energy created by emotions (positive or negative)into what you are trying to do and you will see results.peace,I'm Audi 5000.

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