Sunday, August 11, 2013

Law of attraction Coach Your Thinking Is Electricity

Law of attraction Coach Your Thinking Is ElectricityLaw of attraction Coach Your Thinking Is Electricity

It is true, your thoughts are electrical and transmit like radio waves. The Law of attraction is the Universal management system that matches and projects back to us what we think about and our emotional attachment to our thinking. It isn't simply our thinking, it is also the emotions and beliefs we associate with those thinking.

So you've wondered why you are not getting what you're focusing your energy on? If you need the help of a Law of attraction Coach, by all means get support! Having an independent listener to talk to will help you move away from outdated patterns much faster.

You might be saying:

I'm searching for my perfect job every day.

I am always searching for my perfect relationship.

I desire more money; I am constantly thinking about that.

The Law of attraction understands the language of the cosmos, which is energy. And we are thinking an energetic language all day, each day. We are transmitters and receivers of impulses via our senses. Thoughts, the sounds that come into our ears, the vibrations of smell, touch, and taste. All of this turns into vibration. Sound, color, thoughts, and emotions all have vibration signatures. They are all transmitting vibrational information. We interpret these signatures as color, patterns, objects, or information of one type or another. Empowering yourself with the Law of attraction is hugely powerful for Relationship Attraction, and it's not hard to grasp.

The Universe understands energy. It doesn't know English, French, or Spanish. You can't say I desire more money and vibrate at a level of 'poor me' and get the results you are going for. The Universe hears your vibration, not what you say.

Your thoughts are electrical. Each one of them has a frequency. The power in those frequencies is the regularity of what your transmitting. Emotion, feelings, energy, and vibrational frequency are all basically the same thing.

Here is where our programming comes into the picture. If you haven't seen a movement in what you are desiring to attract, then you probably have some fairly deep limitations sustaining your current mindset. Habitual patterns of thought that don't do anything for you except promote lack. We all act from the programs that we were brought up on. Are you wondering what these programs are? Are you realizing that you have an internal dialogue in your head that no longer serves you?

- How difficult life is in this economy.

- How I was never trained on how to take care of my money.

- How I am over the hill and all the jobs are going to youngsters.

Are you arguing FOR your limiting programs?

The Universe can take care of the process of pairing you up with your desire. Your job is to get the static off the wire. Here's an Action Step for you: When you notice your outdated self-talk, pivot from there and imagine better feeling thoughts. Turn into a magnet to what you want and you'll begin attracting more of what you want in your experience.

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