Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Law of attraction Manifestation

The Law of attraction ManifestationThe Law of attraction Manifestation

The Law of attraction is an amazing thing, and if understood, and used correctly, will bring you wonders into your life. The Law of attraction is one of the Laws that govern the Universe. If you are hesitate on the belief of this, that is okay and is normal. It is an idea that has been really opened just in the past few years. It goes against of what we're taught from birth, so it may seem impossible to you.

But let me assure you, it is the truth. Do you ever wonder why sometimes things just fall into place, coincidences start to happen, and next thing you know, you are living the dream? Have you ever had an experience where you are wishing something would not happen, and then it does? All of these things are doings of the attraction. Now if you are one of those people that has more than enough experiences with wishing something would not happen, and then it does, you need to understand this. The Law of attraction has no judgement, nor can change your thoughts into positive ones. You are giving out to the universe that you do not want this thing to take place. You mind is constantly thinking of this certain thing that you do not want, it consumes you. So the thing that you are impressing into the universe is the thing you do not want! And then the Law of attraction, without fail, brings it to you. Negative or positive, you will attract the things in life that you think about the most.

The first step to following, and using attraction is to understand that it does exist. That is very important, because once you understand it, you most likely will start to believe in it. You will need to be extremely conscious of what you are thinking about, and know what you want. If you happen to start to think about something negatively or something you do not want, STOP! Change your thought into something you DO want. Do this every time you think of something negative. This way you will be putting out the vibration and images of things you want to attract into your life.

So be sure to create a vision of what you want into your life, and think about that every day. You can, and will manifest everything into your life, but you have to stay focus, and be creative. You are in control of your life, so starting controlling your mind!

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