Saturday, May 5, 2012

Five Donts When Using the Law of attraction

Five Donts When Using the Law of attractionFive Donts When Using the Law of attraction

The whole universe is governed by a set of laws one of which is the . This law of attraction is very powerful that it can potentially help you manifest your dreams and aspirations but, only if you know how to use it properly. Now, to guide you along the way, brace yourself with the -don'ts- when using the law of attraction.

1.) Don't rely on positive thinking alone. It is not enough to attract what you want.

The mind operates on two levels, the subconscious and the conscious. Positive thinking happens only on the conscious level making it insufficient for the law to take its full effect. It is necessary that belief to enter the subconscious level as well.

The conscious mind receives hundreds of information at any given time coming from all five senses. This is a multitude of information that the mind could not process all by itself and at all the time.

So, the mind developed the conscious, which will sort out the information sent to it by the senses and retain only what it deems important. Anything that is unimportant is thrown to the subconscious. Therefore, it is the subconscious which will retain this information until the time when these memories are needed again.

Now, if the conscious mind thinks about positive thoughts but the subconscious has negative ones; they will battle to cancel each other out resulting for goals to be impossible to achieve.

2.) Don't be impatient.

The universe works at its own speed and time.The concept which says, -Every action carries with it an equal and opposite reaction.- holds true to this day. This means that every event happens for a reason and it happens at a right time. It is therefore, essential that the other environmental factors be right in order in order for an event to occur just as it should - when, where and how.

This whole process may take weeks, months or even years to create a fruitful reaction in accordance to your desires. All you need is the patience to wait for it to happen. Remember that there are things in life that are just not worth rushing especially those that you wanted most and wish to last forever.

However, people of today's society are spoiled; they want what they want at an instant. Having this attitude implies your doubt to the law of attraction. It doesn't mean that if the law didn't meet your established timetables, you are going to conclude that it's ineffective. The law never says exactly when all of these great rewards will be obtained; it only assures that they will.

If you are confident in its ability to take effect the desired results you will be contented to sit and wait knowing and assuring yourself that what you want most will come to you in time. Take note that impatience brings about negative energy that may give out negative results. You don't want that, do you?

3.) Don't be too hasty. Predetermining how and when you will attract what you want will never do you any good.

Let the universe takes it place in working out what you've been dreaming of! It is probable that if you become so pre-occupied in thinking what is going to happen, you will completely miss the event when it occurs. And when it does not occur, it is precisely the manner your subconscious pictured it would.

Remember, the universe holds the time and place for all things to happen. Predetermining how you will obtain the rewards you are looking for implies that you are stealing away the choice from the hands of nature that directs the flow of life's energies. Consequently, you are putting yourself up for a hard fall.

Furthermore, you are implying that you do not have faith in the law of attraction to give you your desired results in time.Distrust cause negative energy which drives off positive energy.

4.) Don't let your emotions get in the way and be led by external evidence

If you want to obtain the benefits of the law of attraction you have to have faith in it.Believe that you what you experience now is a result of what you've been attracting since then. Realize that what you have encountered from the past and what will happen in the future are determined by you alone. Whatever successes or failures you met have been the outcome of the energies that your mind and body have release out into the vast universe. It didn't happen by chance or by any circumstances.

5.) Do not stick on limiting beliefs

Too often, people fall into a self-defeating cycle because they cannot control the thoughts of their subconscious. They cannot seem to get out of suffering from life's adversities because they themselves do not truly believe that they have any choice.

-It is the way that it's always been!- is there excuse. This disables them from changing their circumstances and this will lead them to continually live this way. As their subconscious continues to project this belief, they continue to bring out negative energy into the universe making it impossible for them to get away from this self destructive cycle of events.

Only those who dare to dream and believe in the possibilities presented by their dreams can bring great changes in their lives. Such people are the colonists who had really believed that they would be free from the British Empire and so, they won the revolutionary war. Henry Ford who had truly believed that man could ride in a car, and so do the Model T was invented. Furthermore, activists of women empowerment who shun the destiny set to women in living the rest of their lives under the thumb of their fathers and husbands have finally brought women liberalization alive up to this day.

The removal of limiting beliefs to ones system is crucial for the law of attraction to work effectively. If you feel that you are not fully benefitted by the law of attraction, take a breather and reconsider the things that you are wishing for. Set your mindset to be one hundred percent confident in your ability to make a change because having faith has been a necessary prerequisite in bringing wonderful events into reality.

Overall, the key to success with the Law of attraction is the ACCEPTANCE of YOUR responsibility coupled with faith in the law.

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