Saturday, May 12, 2012

Manifesting Love

Manifesting LoveManifesting Love

It isn't easy to manifest love in today's world where everyone seems to have a dark demeanor about them that we discover, as time goes by. We sit and wonder where all that love has gone from the world, and if it ever existed at all. The skeptics question the existence of love, the cynics shoot down the idea of love, while a few hopeful folk look forward to finding it. There are different ways of how love translates itself into our lives. We can see it in our families, among friends and those we come across in our daily lives. When you feel inclined to offer someone a helping hand, it just shows how willing you are to express your feelings that are humanitarian in nature. Be it a poor person, a struggling mother with kids and bags full of groceries, a close friend in need of financial help or an old man wondering how to make it across the street - if you are willing to step in and lend a hand, then love does reside within you.

Manifesting Love in Everyday Life

No one's asking you to donate a ton of money to charity, or give away all your belongings to the needy - moderation here is the key since it is a logical approach. To be of help is to know your limitations and what strikes a balance between your life and how much of your time and money you can give. Even if you hand over a dollar bill to charity because you can't afford to chip in more, or drop in a tin or two of canned food for a food drive, it all comes down to the intention of your generosity and not what you put into it in terms of materialistic means.

Volunteer at an Old Age Home You don't have to do it on a regular basis, but whenever you find the time to be of service to those who really need it. Dedicate one day of the week to help out with the aged, and do what you can to either uplift their spirit, get what they need or take part in an activity. You could always make friends, share experiences and really bond with those who've been housed away in these homes.

Spend Time with Family When I feel bad that my sister and I haven't spent enough time together over the week, I plan out a weekend of complete fun and relaxation that involves just the two of us. Recently, I put together a weekend of going to the spa, eating our favorite exported goodies and then ending the night in a cafe that she introduced me to, that we both really loved. It was the funnest time in a long while that the two of us had, and we really bonded over those two days. Do something nice for a loved one, and spend some quality time doing activities that the whole family enjoys being a part of.

Make Time for Your Partner Once we get involved in our daily, fast paced lives we tend to forget about our partners and can't recall the last time we sat down and tried reconnecting. Try to bridge that yawning gap between you and him/her by planning a relaxing evening with just the two of you without the hustle and bustle of your lives seeping in. When you do thoughtful things for the one you love every so often, it helps keep things alive and the two of you united.

Babysit Now and Then If you don't have kids, babysitting will help you form something quite special with little ones. They're at an age where everything is innocent, childlike and new with anything you do or say fascinating them or causing them to form an attachment to you over time. Kids can get pretty close to those around them constantly, and forming that link will have you wanting to maybe think about starting a family of your own someday.

Surprise Those You Love Be it friends, family or close relatives, drop in unexpectedly and plan a big dinner or barbecue out back to catch up on old times and new, especially if you haven't met them in a while. It helps to keep connections in your life taut, since these are the people who will always be with you. Do something special for them on their birthdays, remember anniversaries and make an appearance for special occasions even if your schedule is tight.

Get a New Pet To exercise the idea of manifesting love, get a new pet and learn how to love it for its stubborn, wild, hard to manage, idiosyncrasies. I remember when we first got my pet rabbit, I couldn't take its behavior anymore. It would chew on anything it got its teeth on, ruin our furniture and mess up the house. I just wanted it to go back to where I got it from. It took me a whole year to finally get attached to her, more tolerant today and actually feeling love for it when I care for her now. Be it dogs, cats, birds or other animals, they all need love and look for it even if you think that their behavior qualifies as monster like. Being kind to them and taking time and patience to get to know them better, will help you tame your animal to be loving and obedient.

Many of us have gone through personal experiences of finding love and then losing it, but at the end of the day it shouldn't turn you into a bitter human being that disregards love in all its forms. To able to find love, is to know how first before others can open you up to showing love. No matter how rough life gets with its unforgiving life lessons at every twist and turn, you shouldn't give up on the fact that love does exist among us, even if not in the way you'd like or expect it to take form.

"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge." - Thomas Carlyl

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