Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Law of attraction - NLP 101

The Law of attraction - NLP 101The Law of attraction - NLP 101

OK folks, its time to get back to the basics of how the language of your mind creates the patterns we run in life. The words we use internally and externally have direct impact on what happens.

This topic comes up based on a recent email I received from a past student asking me why they weren't getting what they wanted. My response was simple - what are you focusing on?

Lets go to NLP 101. What you think about creates a chemical reaction. Think happy and happy chemicals are created and secreted in your body. Think angry and angry chemicals are made. Think 'I can' and you get that chemical, think 'I can't'.. and guess what? That's right, those chemicals.

But, it's not just chemicals inside of your body - it is energy outside. You know how you can walk into a room after two people have been arguing and you can literally feel it? It's that energy.

Everything is made up of energy (in school it was called matter). People, desks, plants, houses, trees, even ideas are made up of energy. That energy moves from inside of you to the outside world - with no physical or distance boundaries. You infect the world. Yes, infect. Positive or negatively charged energy is infected into the world.

Lets put a simple example in there: Lets say I was attracted to and interested in going out with a certain guy. My attraction 'vibes' start to infect my life and my world. The 'good' feelings that I have seem to be contagious on many levels - the world looks brighter, people are friendlier, other guys start looking at me... because I have that vibe! I've got all those attraction endorphins running through my body and out into the world.

Now - imagine that I had a negative thought like "he'd never want to go out with me". What happens to those endorphins and that vibe? It dies. It's hard to keep a fire going if you keep putting water on it! Just one little thought and away goes the attraction energy. But, what is it replaced with? Because it is replaced. Its replaced with a 'never go out with me' energy. Inside and out.

Another example: Let's say I want a new car. I think about a new car, imagine myself in the new car, budget for a new car. I'm giving the world a 'give Heidi a new car' energy... and that car is looking for me! Then, BAM - I think "I should put my car in for a service so it will last me longer". The universe spits out the new car vibe and instead gets 'keep car longer'.

Talk about mass confusion! This is also represented a lot of the time by incongruence within a person!

So my answer to the question of why do you sometimes not get what you want? What are you focusing on? It's as simple as that. Unfortunately (and fortunately in some cases), your unconscious mind is unable to process negatives, takes everything seriously, has no sense of irony, humor or sarcasm. It takes what you give it as 100% true. Let quantum physics work for you - focus on WHAT YOU WANT... and enjoy the repercussions!

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