Thursday, January 17, 2013

Money and the Law of attraction

Money and the Law of attractionMoney and the Law of attraction

Money, Freedom and Choices

While it is true that money doesn't necessarily lead to happiness, having more of it in our lives does tend to give us the ability to obtain many of the things that will make us happy. Money also relieves many of the biggest stressors that prevent people from being happy - worries about the roof over your head, education, healthcare, etc.

Money, of course, is one of our crucial needs and its exchange is the main way we accomplish what we need to do, but it carries much more freight than simply being a means to an end. Our financial resources can determine not only the quality of our everyday lives, but the level of enjoyment and freedom we experience in every aspect of our lives. A lack of often leads to a lack of power, freedom and options. Increased financial abundance opens our choices up considerably.

With this in mind, it's not too surprising that upon first encounter with the Law of attraction, the first area most choose to work on is their financial .

Why do so many people struggle financially?

In order to answer that question, we need to look at what money really is. Money is more than just a tangible collection of paper and metal objects to which we've assigned a trading value; it also represents the flow of energy through our lives. Most often when people have a lack of money, they also experience lack elsewhere in their lives. Whether that lack affects their relationships, health or inner peace, it is clear that there is a blockage somewhere.

In order to use the Law of attraction to increase the flow of money in your life, you need to first understand where the blockages are in your life, and why they are there in the first place. Most people either don't realize the importance of this step, or they skip it because it makes them feel uncomfortable. Instead, they attempt to place a "bandage over the wound" by focusing on prosperity affirmations and visualizations. They convince themselves that by doing and saying the right things, they will persuade the Law of attraction to deliver a nice big truckload of cash to their doorstep.

Unfortunately, it doesn't usually work like that. What many people fail to understand is that their is already working hand-in-hand with the Law of attraction. Remember that the frequency of our vibrations is affected by our beliefs and emotions. The blockage exists BECAUSE the person's vibrations are not where they need to be to attract what they really want. All the affirmations and focus on money won't do a thing if the underlying blockage isn't removed, because its very existence prevents money (energy) from flowing easily.

How do you know if you are blocking your own abundance?

You will have a constant sense of being blocked, stuck, unable to move beyond a certain point no matter what you do. You will wonder why certain techniques seem to work well for others but don't work for you. You will keep pushing harder and harder, and eventually give up in frustration because it's just not working.

Does this sound familiar? If you suspect that you do have an energy blockage in your life, you need to figure out what is causing it, and find a way to dissolve it.

In order to identify and dissolve inner blockages, you need to answer three questions:

3 Questions

What aspects of my financial situation make me feel uncomfortable?

For some people it might be a mountain of debt; for others it might be rampant disorganization; for still others it might be inadequate income. Ask yourself which situations you usually try to avoid thinking about or looking at - those are the areas in which a blockage exists, and it needs your attention if you want to resolve it. Once you are clear about the aspects of your financial situation that make you feel most uncomfortable, ask yourself:

What do these situations say about the rest of my life?

You see, money problems are NOT just about money! Money can serve as a mirror for passion, love, joy, purpose, courage, or any number of other qualities you may be resisting. Financial abundance or lack usually reveals identical abundance or lack in other areas of your life. Look at your job, your health, your relationships, your (and anything else you can think of), and see if you have blockages there too. Take your time with this exercise, because it is absolutely mind-blowing once you "get it." Once you've discovered correlations between your financial abundance and the other areas of your life, ask yourself:

How can I increase the flow of energy to these areas?

You will definitely want to give this question some deep thought because the answer will vary for everyone. Understand that a blockage simply means stagnation or neglect; an obstruction to the flow of energy. This obstruction can be an unresolved situation, limiting belief, or unproductive habit. It acts as a clog in the plumbing, so little energy can get through

Attention and Action

In order to clear the clog, you need to turn your attention upon it and take action to remove it.

Let's look at a couple of examples:

Blockage: You may have discovered that the aspect of your financial situation that makes you most uncomfortable is the fact that you don't earn enough money. Perhaps you're stuck in a low-paying job and you occasionally consider seeking a better job or starting your own business, but you keep holding back. Why do you think that is? Could it be that you don't feel you deserve to earn more? Poor self-worth could be the blockage that is holding everything up!

Resolution: In order to clear the blockage, you would need to change your belief that you don't deserve to earn more money. This might involve doing some intensive self-esteem work, or learning how to value the contributions you make to the world, or building up the courage to make a move toward something better.

Blockage: You may have realized that your financial records are a mess. You haven't balanced your checkbook in years, and you don't have an organized method for paying bills so you end up paying most of them late and accruing big late fees. This creates a major drain on your finances and can make it seem like you never have enough - but you would if you could better manage what you have!

Resolution: With a little introspection, you may have noticed that you are also terribly disorganized in other areas of your life. You may struggle with time management, or your home may be so cluttered that you can't find what you're looking for. is easy to resolve by simply devoting a set amount of time to it each day. Commit to cleaning up your financial situation by figuring out how much debt you have, how much money you have (balance your checkbook!) - AND doing the same thing in other areas of your life. It may take time to see results, but as you continue to clear blockages by getting organized you will notice an easier flow of energy (and money) through your life.

Your situation might be completely different from those described above, but you can follow the same steps to clear blockages in your life. Here they are in summary form: Figure out what makes you most uncomfortable. Identify correlations with the other areas of your life. Take action to dissolve the blockages.

When you do this on a consistent basis, you will notice that energy (in the form of money, as well as other qualities) will flow through your life much more easily and you will now be able to use the in a much more conscious way.

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