Monday, April 1, 2013

The law of attraction and how it applies to psychology - Part 2

The law of attraction and how it applies to psychology - Part 2The law of attraction and how it applies to psychology - Part 2

The Husband and wife team, Esther and Jerry Hicks also made the New York Times Best seller list with their new thought book called The Law of attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham. Esther Hicks is noted for channeling through an entity called Abraham. Abraham is not one personality but several from another dimension who channel messages to the human race through Esther who acts as the medium for communication.

Although these messages are very positive, do they stand the test of rigorous scientific methodology?

The Law of attraction and Science

Those that dispute the connection

Scientists and psychologists concur that the claims made by the law of attraction violates scientific principles and the scientific community's understanding of the world. Physicist Ali Alousi, is just one of the scientists who say that the law of attraction just cannot be measured for its accuracy.

Still others state that the law of attraction will led to" blaming the victim mentality." Have you ever noticed when you tell a follower that you tried to visualize the thing you wanted most and it didn't happen, they will automatically say that you are doing something wrong. They will never say the law of attraction could be wrong.

Mental Health professionals rely on the scientific method and the null hypothesis

In order for something to have scientific validation it must be able to be proven either true or false. In fact every scientific experiment starts with the null hypothesis which states that whatever you are trying to prove is wrong, and the onus is then on the scientist to prove that their hypothesis is right.

To be continued

Law of attraction in Montreal

There was a The Secret - Montreal Law of attraction Meetup Group where Montrealers can get together and discuss their experiences and the teachings of Abraham-Hicks . However, it doesn't seem to be active since 2007. The website is still up and has a place where people can start up a new meetup event. In the past Montreal meetups have been held in such places as Concordia University.


Montreal Psychotherapist also teaches the law of attraction (514) 626-4609


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