Saturday, April 6, 2013

Law of attraction Relationships Secrets To Realizing Your Desires

Law of attraction Relationships Secrets To Realizing Your DesiresLaw of attraction Relationships Secrets To Realizing Your Desires

I manifested emotionally incapable men, men who lived a long distance away, or traveled a lot. Although my father was an emotionally absent father, I thought that since I was consciously aware of it, I'd purposefully attract loving relationships with men that wanted a real relationship. Even up to the last relationship I had right before achieving my relationship breakthrough, the guy I was in a relationship with simply did not want to be in a real committed relationship.

I understood the Law of attraction principles and figured I was operating well implementing the principles. However, there was a piece that was continuously out of place.

As a Law of attraction Coach, I'm abundantly clear in stating that those of us who really desire to be in a relationship that makes your heart soar - not simply any kind of relationship - but a truly wonderful, fulfilling, love relationship - it takes a certain kind of focused desire.

Many people who are interested in understanding the Law of attraction and how it will manifest in their lives are actually posing, "What do I need to do? Is there something that I can do differently? What I've been trying isn't helping." You can create Law of attraction Relationships today and sky-rocket your level of positive energy!

So you've been asking, and desiring a perfect, committing love relationship and you want to understand, where is my perfect relationship? Why do I keep attracting the wrong guy?

Let us go over some Law of attraction basics.

When trying to understand the Law of attraction, we've accepted that this is a vibrating Universe - that all things are made of energy. This energy is in constant motion and expansion and is vibrating unceasingly. All things ARE energy. Your thoughts, your shirt, cosmic bodies, mosquitoes... everything. Your thoughts are energy and have the power to manifest. Your thoughts are manifest if you understand the Law of attraction or not.

The question is, "What types of thoughts are going through your head? What quality do your thoughts have? Are you paying close watch to your wants from a perspective of expectation or a place of negativity?

By honed desire I am talking about the type of want that is focused unwaveringly on what you want from the point of view of having already attained what it is you want, instead of focusing in opposition to your desire.

As stated before, the Law of attraction explains that "what you place your attention on will manifest increasingly in your life experience. So it is of utmost importance to realize whether you are seeking from a perspective of lack or from a point of already having it.

Wanting from the place of lacking (that is, searching for your idea from a perspective of 'Why isn't it here yet?') puts you in the resisting mode. Better said, the Universe vibrationally mirrors your thoughts, expectations, and your beliefs concerning your thoughts - you are emitting a primary vibration about relationship - with situations and people that match your beliefs.

I just got off the phone with a woman in my Magnetic Attraction Program. She wants to understand why her friend who is very negative and prone to complaining just got married, while she remains single and lonely. Did you see what just happened? Can you understand why? Does this seem like something you would say? First, keep your mind on your vibration. What another is doing is not any of your concern. If you are comparing what's out there to what's happening in your life, you will be doomed every single time. Personal creation is an inside job. Think and feel your way to what you desire. Secondly, this woman has her mind focused on staying single and alone. The universe can only respond to that! The Universe says: "Oh, Mary wants more of the single and lonely experience. We love her so much and would never go against her free will. Here's more of what she's desiring".

The program that I was running was "I am playing it safe and perpetually keep a little back. This way if my relationship goes sour, I can simply get out without very much hurt".

If you're single and desiring lasting love, ask yourself: "What's my dominant vibration or limited belief concerning it being possible for me?" Surface up those blocks, think and feel your way to a better feeling place. You can shift your point of attraction instantly. Now all there is to do is keep it there and watch the results.

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