Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Defining Law of attraction

Defining Law of attractionDefining Law of attraction

Law of attraction is a phrase that is commonly known as the notion that holds thoughts as an influence of chance. Law of attraction insists that the unconscious and conscious thoughts of the mind have the ability to affect external objects and things through motivation, but also through other things. Law of attraction became immensely popular after the 2006 film The Secret, created by writer/producer Rhonda Byrne, was released, which focused on the idea of Law of attraction. According to the film, the Law of attraction entails the following of three steps, to ask, to believe, to receive. The Law also contains the claim that what is like unto itself is drawn.

In the Law's steps of ask, believe, and receive, there are specific explanations given to reiterate what each one means. In the step "ask", it is required that the individual knows what it is that they want and that the universe is asked for it. "Believe" means that the individual must both behave and feel as though the object of their desire is already with them. Believing can sometimes be related to make-believing or pretending because it involves thinking of an object as if it's there when it is not really there. "Receive" means that the individual must be ready and willing to receive the object. Receive is the step that results from the two previous steps being followed accurately.

According to believers, following the Law of attraction gives an individual the power to gain what they desperately want by simply "attracting" those wants and desires in the current present. Believers also believe that every good experienced in the present is a direct result of manifesting those wants in the past, whether consciously or unconsciously being aware of that manifestation. It is believed that people are made up of everything they are attracted to. For these reasons, The Law of attraction is often seen as a remarkable occurrence. Law of attraction can be viewed as a law that reacts as the individual acts, similar to another law, the law of gravity. It is believed to exist for as long as the world has existed.

However, according to skeptics, the Law of attraction is a law to be very doubtful of. There is no real solid evidence that the Law has any real power over any individual or can give an individual any real power. The Law has remained unwarranted by evidence of a scientific nature and has also gone against basic scientific principles, as well as the overall comprehension of the universe. Skeptics have come to believe that the Law is a mere illusion used to refer to the connection that lies between success and self-confidence on the basis of one's perception, similar to the placebo effect.

Whether an individual decides to be a skeptic or a true believer of the power of the Law of attraction, it is a decision that has to be made on their own. But it is one that can have positive effects on one's life. Everyone is looking for something to believe in. This might just be it.

Laws of Attraction + Attraction

What is a keyword in the phrase Laws of Attraction? Laws? No. Of? Definitely not. Attraction? I think you're right on the mark with that answer. Attraction is one of the fundamental keys to achieving the Law of attraction and using it to your advantage successfully. It focuses on the use of thinking to achieve change within your life and generally when thought of, positive thinking refers to obtaining a specific want or desire that is usually an object. However, it should be known that at times, positive thinking in other aspects of your life can lead to other benefits. Laws of Attraction + Attraction can equate to finding that perfect mate.

The number one thing is to be positive. And before even attempting at the search for your perfect someone, there should be a focus on you. It is completely factual that before you can love anyone else you must first have that unconditional love inside of yourself. Without that belief and positive thinking in yourself, there will be no hope in finding anyone to attract. Get to know yourself, really get to know yourself. Find tips of self-love, take a class, buy a pet, write a book, do anything that will help you learn to appreciate yourself and give you that confidence you need to be in this.

Now that you have a good idea of who you are, you must conceive your want inside of you. Remember, thinking is achieving. So think about being in that happy relationship you've always dreamed of. Close your eyes and think of every detail you can about the kind of relationship you wish to be in, the person you feel you deserve to be with, and about you being happy. Think about it until you have enough detail in your mind that it feels like the thought is no longer a thought, but could actually be reality. Thinking becomes believing.

Place the focus on yourself once more, your demeanor, your posture, your attitude, your appearance, etc. Positively think about your good attributes and not so much on flaws or imperfections. This is a happy place and remember, you are quite worthy of a mate. The purpose of this step is to externally see yourself holistically before you dive into your search for a mate. You must present to your prospective mate the best you that you can be. This should be the only you.

Begin fulfilling your want. This should not be done blatantly where it seems as if your only purpose in life is to get that boyfriend or girlfriend. Instead, you should focus on every aspect of your life equally while maintaining your sunny disposition as well as believing that thought you have about your future relationship. If you are happy in your current life, grateful for your current blessing, and living each day of your life like it's golden, your mate will eventually come to you. It is when you search that you find you cannot find. It may seem long and like it is never going to happen, but it is and when it does you will be more grateful because of it. Continue to be the best you possible, the rest will write itself.

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