Monday, December 17, 2012

My Experience With The Law of attraction and The Top 5 Tips That Helped The Most

My Experience With The Law of attraction and The Top 5 Tips That Helped The Most

Bob Doyle (A Featured Teacher In the Secret) has a fully integrated step by step guide to harnessing the law of attraction. The course includes free Ebooks, Videos, Lessons, Checklists, Audio, Forum and more. A great program and the first course I joined.

Law of attraction - Is it Hard or Easy?

It took me over 3 years of reading, listening and watching everything I could possibly lay my hands on about the law of attraction, quantum physics, meditation and understanding our Universe before I could say I got it. Any spare money I made went into purchasing books, cd's and courses, to assist me in my growth. Did I ever give up? Absolutely. Many times! It was the hardest thing I've ever done. It contradicted every belief I had been given about money, life and my world in general. Things did not happen as fast as I'd liked and so I would say to myself -see it doesn't work-. But each time I fell, along would come another resource to get me on my feet again. I watched, read and listened to many people. All of whom believed so strongly. All wanted to help others understand so passionately. Who was I to prove them wrong? Yes it was hard. It was like believing in a fairytale and all the beliefs I held about my reality were questioned.


It was easy to slip back into old habits. When you're not living in your dream home or driving that fancy car or basking in $100 bills, then it's easy to become despondent. The first year was definitely the most challenging. But as I read, as I watched and as I practiced I realised something was and had been hapening over that first year.. I was happy. Really happy. And for no reason. I woke up happy. I danced around the house in the mornings. I was even happy as I paid by bills, when ever money presented itself. How blind had I been? I had not really stopped to look and appreciate the many things that had manifested into my life without any effort over that first year. I was so busy concentrating on the money that was not gushing into my account, I'd forgotten to take stock and give appreciation. I had attracted a year full of little stuff that I'd simply taken for granted and every one of them was an item on my list. Dinners Concert Tickets Free Fuel New Fridge (The exact one on my vision board) The perfect car , at the right time, at the right price! A gorgeous little playmate for my other dog (exact type I'd requested) The perfect place to live (at unbelievable rent) New friendships The list goes on-----...

That's not to say I'm an expert. Far from it. My journey is only just beginning. But I'm at a place now where I can believe in the process and that's important. I guess you would say I now have faith and for someone that started with no real belief system at all, then building faith was a hurdle. When you're telling your mind one thing and your eyes see the opposite, it can be difficult to say the least. Keeping yourself in a higher vibration is paramount to your success. I am able to manifest the little things with ease. But I confess my ego still likes to whisper in my ear -coincidence-. It is a constant battle.

Top Five Tips To Speeding The Law of attraction

It took 30 days of daily dedication to the principles of the law of attraction, before things started to really shift for me in a way that was noticeable on a daily basis. Although I had spent a year on and off practicing various aspects I was not consistent. And that was the key. Repetition. This isn't a fly by night course: This is a way of life! You have to focus on making it just that, if you really want to make changes.

The Following Five Tips Were Paramount In My Growth. Tip 1.

No matter how much you like to be up on what's happening around the world. Get over it. Stop watching the news and current affairs programs. A half hour of news is enough to evoke a range of negative emotions and feelings of powerlessness. What ever has happened, has happened. You watching an exaggerated coverage of the events, is not going to change this. It can however change your mood and on a daily basis this does and will effect your progress. It brings you back to what you deem as reality and most often then this has you questioning the process.

Same with movies. Switch to comedies, romances and family movies. Stay clear of murders and those heart wrenching true to life stories. Give the visual stimuli things to laugh and smile at. More of the same will come back to you. This is very important. Why would you really want to watch something you know is going to upset you or anger you? You natural state of being is one of joy. Why intentionally make yourself feel any different?

And again, the same with the newspaper. Stop reading it. It's not full of joy and good wishes to set you on a day of positive outcomes. It's about murders, interest rates, deaths, scandals. Nope. Can't think of anything to feel good about there! Seriously this was the first (and hardest) step I made, towards changing my life. I have not read a newspaper or watched the news or current affairs show for over 2 years now. Not knowing hasn't effected me in the least. That doesn't mean I'm not aware. That's the funny thing about doom and gloom; Others like to spread it and are happy to talk about it for days, months even. Sooner or later I catch up. The difference is that I don't delve for details, have not seen the visuals and therefore get to experience it in a detached manner. Tip 2.

Read, listen, watch and then do it some more. Read up on Quantum Physics, Our Universe, others experiences, past teachers, present teachers; anything you can find that resonates with you. Have a ready library of Ebooks, cd's and dvd's on your computer and everyday read, listen or watch something from your library. The mind is not going to make lasting changes by practicing this every other day. This is your life. Find the time.

That's right. Every single day you have to find the time to read, or listen or watch something from your library. Repetition is the key. And never stop looking for more resources. New information presents itself every day and unless you're proficient at manifesting on command, then you can learn a little something from each one.Tip 3.

Watch your thoughts-closely. Take active control over your conversations. If it's gossip then box it. If others are gossiping then politely leave. If the conversations around you evoke a negative emotion; leave. Do not enter into emotional debates. Think before you speak. Make a conscious effort to monitor your thoughts and to equate them with your feelings at that moment before you voice them. If you start voicing them with -I probably shouldn't say this-, then you're right - you probably shouldn't. If the thought carries a strong negative emotion then box the thought. Actually visualize placing that thought in a box, closing the lid, placing it on a conveyor and sending it on its way. Monitoring your thoughts is paramount to getting to the stage of feeling good all the time. It's good to feel good!

Tip 4.

Meditate. Every day. It's not by chance that everyone advises to do this. Meditation takes you to a place that once experienced, you will definitely want to return to. It's benefits will accelerate your progress enormously.You just need to find the right one for you. That can be a little tricky. I tried over 20 different meditation programs before I found the one that was right for me. Some I purchased made me giggle. Others I couldn't stand the music or voice over. Others did nothing but put me to sleep. It's an individual preference. But the importance of Meditation every day can not be stressed enough. A full half hour at least. If you can spare an hour even better. What do you mean you have no time? Is this change important to you or not?

Find the time. Get up earlier. Go to bed later. Do it during your lunch hour. Just do it! It will help change your life.


It can appear that believing in the law of attraction is akin to shaving your head and joining a cult!

Before you set off on your spiritual journey you need to prepare yourself for well meaning friends and family. Many of whom are going to want to bring you back to their reality, shatter your dreams and make you question the whole process. This is a stumbling point for many people. Changing your life has an effect on people around you that can take you by surprise. As you get into the flow of things and you begin to change on the inside, your outside world begins to reflect. Friends and family can become envious, insecure, worried and you will need to be prepared for some lonely moments. Unless of course you have a great support base that is taking this journey with you.

However its not about keeping friends, pleasing your family and fitting into their expectations of you. It's about you living the very best life you deserve and in order to do that you may need to severe relationships that are negative or destructive. This is easier than it sounds as once you lift your vibration these people tend to not be attracted to you anyway

An example is a friend that I used to see every Tuesday. She'd always pop in for a chat and it was always energy draining. I love her to pieces but she's never got anything nice to say about anything or anyone. I never noticed while I was riding the negativity train, but once I got off, the conversations were evident. The happier I became, the more miserable she got or so it seemed. I began to dread her coming. She'd been coming over pretty regularly for a while and then she suddenly stopped.

I never said anything to her, didn't treat her any differently, I just changed the tone of the conversation so when she came over there was no longer talk of her crappy husband, disobedient kids, rotten job, unpaid bills etc etc. She simply stopped popping over. Initially I missed our friendship, but soon realised it was the habit I missed more. I've met new friends who lift me up and are a joy to around. It's all about change. Don't be afraid of it.

I spent the best part of my first year defending my actions. What a complete waste of time. Listening to a well meaning friend or family member, who believed my goal was a pipe dream and then kindly gave me all the reasons why it wouldn't work;had to stop. The myriad of questions and concerns as to why an intelligent woman (that would be me!), believed in such nonsense and my own energy spent on zealously defending myself: had to stop.

I realise now that I have nothing to defend. I'm not asking them to believe it. Of course I'd love for them to experience the changes I have experienced, but it's not my place to convince them. If they ask, I answer. If they ask negatively, I change the subject. When they persist I leave. Nothing is more important than my state of being. I have lost several friends along the way and one family member. Well actually I like to think of them as lost. I hold nothing against them from dropping me out of their lives and social network. And one day when they're ready to take their own journey, then here I am. Without one single -I told you so- in sight.

Tip 5.

Try everything you read. Give it a reasonable time frame before you give it up. Don't allow yourself to dismiss it because it sounds weird or too simple. I scoffed at the Sedona Method. But I tried it and continue to use it to this day. If it resonates with you then it will become a regular practice. If it does not, don't worry. Something else you try will. Don't give up. Your belief system has many layers. It takes a bit of work to uncover them all. No matter what you read, there really is no right or wrong way once you grasp the concept. It really is all about feeling good. If you fall back into old habits, pick yourself up and start again.

GET A MENTOR: Everyone of us would like to think we can go it alone. But you'll soon find out its a hard road. Initially I choose 7 that took my interest. I signed up for free information or a trial period (they almost always have them) and tested them out. Some I paid money for a course only to be disappointed, however you don't know until you try. There are many teachers of these principle I love and have their books and cd's etc, but I settled on two for paid content. I believe it be one of my wisest choices.

Dedicate 30 days of total commitment. You will be amazed what you can achieve!


NOTHING is more important than gratitude. You must be grateful for what you have now, grateful for what you know is coming and grateful when it gets here.

A gratitude journal is a must. And while for some the thought of writing a list everyday for things you are grateful for, may see you rolling your eyes, it's important.

It's easy once you start and you'd be surprised once you get started just how many things you find you are grateful for. Family, friends, a roof over your head, the beauty of your garden, your 5 senses etc etc

Make it a daily practice, there is no better way to lift that vibration.

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