Wednesday, March 20, 2013

How to Create the Life You Want Using the Law of attraction

How to Create the Life You Want Using the Law of attraction

The law of attraction seems like a new-age concept, but the idea has been around since before biblical times. The law of attraction, simply stated, means that you attract experiences into your life based on how you think and feel. If you feel rich (even if you just filed bankruptcy), riches will flow to you. If you feel poor (even if you've just won the lottery), you will soon be penniless. Once you truly understand the law of attraction, you can use the principles to create the life you deserve.

Difficulty: Moderately Challenging


1)Create a clear picture in your mind of the life you want. Get clear about the details -- what kind of house you want, the area of the world you'd like of live in, whether or not you want children, the type of spouse you desire, the amount of money you'd like to make, the type of career you'd like to have, the hobbies and interests you'd like to pursue, and the level of happiness and contentment you'd like to feel on a daily basis. If its difficult for you to get clear about what you want, think about your life experiences thus far. Think about what hasn't worked for you. Use the events that you haven't desired to get a clearer picture of your preferences and the type of experiences you do desire.

2)Hold a picture of the life you want in your mind. Make a list of what you want your new life to include and place it in several prominent locations throughout your home and work space, so you read it (or at least look at it) several times per day. Create a visual aid comprised of pictures and words that represent the life you want and place it where you will see it upon waking and before going to sleep at night.

3)Pay attention to what is going well in your life, and try not to pay attention to the things that aren't going so well. According to the law of attraction, your thoughts are always magnified into physical manifestation. Thinking about what is going well will attract more of the same. Thinking about what isn't going well will also attract more of the same. Monitor your thoughts carefully. When you notice that you are thinking negatively, use the experience to help you see what you really want. For example, if you're thinking about how much your job gets on your nerves, use those thoughts as an opportunity to think about the type of career you'd like to have. Imagine it vividly, until a smile comes to your face. When you're too frustrated to think positively, don't beat yourself up about it. Accept your feelings unconditionally, and be proud of yourself for noticing how you feel. It is only when you pay attention to your habits that you can change them.

4)Trust the law of attraction. Remind yourself that it works. Remind yourself that although the term "law of attraction" is a new-age sentiment, the concept has been around for thousands of years, spoken about by countless religious and historical figures. To paraphrase Jesus, "As you believe, so shall it be done unto you."

5)Surround yourself with reminders of the law of attraction. Read books about it, look it up on the Internet and watch video clips about it. Find testimonials of people who can attest to its power. When you feel discouraged, seek proof that it works and will work for you.

6)Don't talk about it too much. Talking about trying to change your life through the law of attraction might attract opinions opposite from yours. People might attempt to discourage you, make you feel silly, or confront you with opinions to pull your attention from what is working to what is not working. Guard your happy secret. Remember, its not your job to try to change others minds or their lives; your job is to change your mind and your life. The best way to help others is to lead by example, not by discussion.

7)Be grateful. Feeling gratitude for the life you have will help bring the life you want. Feel gratitude for the abundance of the earth: water, oxygen, the sun, plants, food, electricity and technology. Feel gratitude for the magnificence of your body and the fact that you don't have to think about breathing, or your heart beating, or digesting your food. Feel gratitude for the beauty of the sunset, or the taste of your favorite dessert. When experiences and people bother you, feel gratitude for them because they help you decide what type of life and relationships you really want. Most importantly, feel gratitude that everything you want is coming to you. The fastest way to manifest your dreams is to act and think as if they have already come true.

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