Monday, February 4, 2013

Law of attraction for Kids

Law of attraction for KidsLaw of attraction for Kids

The Law of attraction is a mental principle of creation. Think about a thing with energy, appreciation, and directed desire and you are sure to manifest it. Children can be introduced to The Law of attraction using their natural talents for imagination and art. With adult support, kids will feel the world is a place that is friendly to their plans.


Wallace Wattles published The Science of Getting Rich in 1910. His premise was that thoughts, when they are clear and infused with energy and gratitude, create forms of the things thought about. In Think and Grow Rich, published in 1937, author Napoleon Hill alludes to a "secret" way of thinking that can accumulate wealth. The cinematic release of The Secret coincided with Esther and Jerry Hicks' bestseller The Law of attraction in 2006. Dayna Martin, who advocates "unschooling" children, or allowing play-based child-led learning, makes reference to The Law of attraction, which plays a part in her philosophy.


Start by encouraging appropriate use of imagination. Talk with children about a rose, for example, and ask if they can smell it by thinking of it. Evoke details, such as size, form, color and whether or not there are leaves or thorns on the stem. Play imaginative games often. Be sure not to put down imaginative play by saying, "it's just pretend," or "that's not real." Let kids practice making up things in their mind as realistically as possible. The more detailed, the better. Listen, but do not lead the child's creativity.

Don't be afraid to explore other realities with children. Talk about dreams in terms of a tangible, but different, reality. The family that meets in the morning to share the dream adventures they had during the night is validating what it means to be human.


If the child wants a thing, talk about the reasons behind that request. Is it simply something seen in a marketing blitz on TV? Or is there a plan and purpose behind the desire that has a wider effects? She may want a bicycle so she can run errands for the family, or not have to ask to be driven several blocks to a friend's house. Or she may want music lessons, or a sewing machine so that she can make gifts for others. Create a treasure map by gluing pictures on a poster that represent her life after she has what she wants. Cut pictures out of magazines, ask her to add texture and to really feel what it is like to be doing what she has pictured. Stress the importance of feeling glad, or grateful, that this is a true picture of her experience. Again, the more real and detailed, the better. The treasure map should be given a place of honor, where she will see it often.


Affirmations are a few words that express in detail that the thing desired is on its way. Start with "I'm so happy and grateful now that..." and add your wish. This is a good way to get older children involved in learning the Law of attraction.

Affirmations can be private or shared. They should be spoken and thought about daily. A small bank with affirmations written on it is a great way to teach the principle of saving. A daily deposit, followed by the affirmation, creates a belief in prosperity that will attract it.


Children learn by example, so adults who are practicing the Law of attraction should share their own progress. Tell your teenager that while you are driving your old car you are imagining that you are driving the new car you want, including the exact year, model, color and features desired. Say that while you are imagining this you are also feeling the happiness and gratitude just as if it were already yours. And be sure to tell your teen that you haven't forgotten to imagine the price you want to pay and the necessary funds to make it a reality. This is the best lesson on The Law of attraction your child could receive, especially when the car you want appears in your driveway.


While imagination, expectation and gratitude all form the basis for The Law of attraction, mental discipline is necessary to achieve results.Thoughts that receive attention create, so thinking of lack creates more lack. Tell your child that fears are normal but worry can become a bad habit. The Law of attraction is more than just wishing for what you want and waiting for it to arrive. Courage and effort are required.

The Law of attraction is not a way to control others. It can be difficult to convey to kids that everyone has the right to make their own choices. Try using stories where something that looks bad turns out to be good as examples of letting go and trusting that things really are the way they're supposed to be.

Keep the attitude that there are higher things at work. Your child will be quick to find magical coincidences all around, it is in their nature and as adults we can learn from them. When the hard questions come up, don't be quick to force solutions and don't fall into the trap of being "Santa Claus" for your child. Instead, let them experiment with the natural order of things and their own relationship to the thought-responsive universe they live in.

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