There has been a lot of talk lately about the law of attraction as books, videos and films have suddenly appeared across the globe promoting this concept. The bears an idea that you are the sole bearer of your life's success, failure, happiness or misery.
Sounds intriguing, indeed! But does it really work? How is the law of attraction use in the first place? Good question! In fact, it is the most important question to ask because the law wouldn't do you much good if you do not know how to use it to achieve success in life. Once you have mastered how to use the law of you will be able to apply it to any area in your life and take advantage of its benefits. Here's how:
1.Be responsible of the things that have occurred in your life, may it be good or bad. The belief that our surroundings are the biggest contributing factor of the events that occur in our lives is definitely way too far out in the concept of the universal law. The law of attraction firmly upholds the belief that the cause of your sorrow, happiness, success or failure is no one/thing else but your own thoughts and actions.
The law of attraction states that like attracts like. If you think of positive thoughts about a certain endeavor, most likely, you will harvest fruits of success and vice versa. To make it appear crystal clear for you, let's run a test. Evaluate the past events in your life. Take a look of the bad and the good events that you have encountered and ask yourself - What were you feeling prior to the time it happened and at the time they actually happened?
Chances are you are going to discover that favorable events happened at times when you were thinking and feeling positively. On the contrary, unfavorable events happened when you had a negative outlook on life.
3.Build only positive vibrations. Be confident about that the end result is going to be positive. This is vital for the law to act effectively. However, if you allow anxiety to reign in your mind, you will only think about the difficulties which you may probably encounter in the pursuit of achieving your goals. This will cause your vibes to become negative and will work against you rather than for you.
2.Be responsible for your own fate. Determine the things you wish to attain and write them down. Showcase them in a spot where you can frequently view the anticipated results of your endeavor. This will help in keeping you on the right track. In essence, doing this list implies that you are requesting the universe to grant you what you want. Take time to think on this over and over so that it is embedded firmly in your mind. Also, keep your goals specific. Making a goal too general is the exact guarantee that you will fail to achieve it because you will only just going to be busy worrying about how you are to comply it.
4.Claim that it can happen. Many times the subconscious mind is your own stumbling block. While you attempt to convince your conscious about the positive change; your subconscious is picking out the reasons that it will never work out. Now, for you to overcome this stumbling block, have full focus on the success of your desires. By looking over and over again at the positive results you want to happen, it will help you condition your mind and body to claim that as a fact and that it will come to you eventually.
A helpful tip to make it easy for your mind to accept it as a fact is to write a statement which states the fact.For example, if you are searching for a meaningful relationship you could say, -Millions of people worldwide have found their soul mate and are now happily settled in a serious and established relationship-.
The purpose of writing these statements down is to eliminate the negative vibes and doubts from your mind to spare you from the negative outcome. It is only by faith, a positive vibe, that you can bring your aspirations into reality.
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