Friday, May 31, 2013

Life and the law of attraction

Life and the law of attraction

Raised Catholic, in a family of 10, Reba is no stranger to a busy life. Growing up, her family performed together for audiences of all ages. They played their own instruments, and sang glorious songs of hope and inspiration. Strong Christian values have been pounded into their structure for all of their lives. It is no wonder that when life gets tough, she turns to God.

What about turning to God when life is going just fine?

Reba, now a 26 year old Allentown mother of two, finds herself in the pressure cooker of making ends meet financially, caring for her boys. keeping her relationship alive, and still somehow remembering her Faith. For many, Faith seems to be the first thing to be pushed aside. Why is this so? Deep within, whether one believes it or not, there is this assurance that God is always there waiting to communicate with them.

Yet, guilt sets in.

Religions, whether consciously or not, teach you to feel guilty if you do not say your prayers and read the Good Book every single day. You are threatened with eternal damnation. It is no wonder so many are walking around carrying this entity called FEAR. Fear of failure. Fear of not being good enough. Fear of God. Fear of life itself. Fear of death. Fear...of the unknown. It comes as no surprise that in times of great fear, of great pain, of great need one turns to God. This raises questions however.

Do you pray out of a sense of guilty or duty?


Do you pray out of a sense of trust?

The Law of attraction states that whatever you put out into the Universe, comes back to you. Why is this so? Because everything and all things are connected! What you do to another, you are doing to yourself. When you pray from a belief of guilty and duty, you will get more guilt and duty. When you pray from a belief of trust, you will get more trust. It really is that simple.

Contemplate this:

ALL are a body of water. Think of yourself as one of the gazillion droplets of water. This water has no beginning, no end, and no separation in between. All droplets connect to make one infinite Body of Water. One droplet of water dumps out the color red into its OWN water space. Guess what? The water droplets around this one particular droplet, also turn red! Thus, illustrating "what you do to another, you do to yourself. What you put out, comes back."

What are you putting out? What are you getting back?

The choice is one's own to create whatever reality they choose. Never under estimate your own power! Never under estimate that you already belong to something Great! One cannot separate from something that it already IS. One cannot be anything less than this body of water. One cannot be anything less than God. Brothers and sisters, there is no need to pray from a sense of fear or guilt. You feel this because you have somewhere been taught to feel unworthy, not good enough, not part of everything. This is simply untrue. What you are is Love. What you are is Joy. What you are is simply a unique part of Spirit, of God, of the Universe, experiencing life. ALL of life. The "good," the "bad," the "indifferent." It is all life, and it is all a part of your growth. Never again feel fear or guilt. For everyone is on a journey. A journey with many different paths, to the same Home.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Law of attraction - Self-Made Millionaires' Secrets to Making More Millions

Law of attraction - Self-Made Millionaires' Secrets to Making More MillionsLaw of attraction - Self-Made Millionaires' Secrets to Making More Millions

Are you in the business world and have your own business? Are you a blogger trying to make a decent living working at home? Trying to determine the methods and tricks to turning your business into a multi-million dollar one can seem almost impossible if you have no clue where to start, or how. You can now use the law of attraction though to help you achieve this goal and get further with your business. While you may be thinking how that can possibly work without you doing so much more work than you already are, the truth is that you don't have to. The first step though is to start living a millionaire lifestyle. Here are a few lessons from the men who made their own millions to get you started.

1. Live Like a Millionaire - This starts by living below your means. You might find this hard to believe but many millionaires live frugally-ridiculously frugally, in fact. For instance, billionaires such as David Cheriton and John Caldwell get their hair cut at home!

Rather than going out and buying expensive things, settle for something less expensive. While having money means that you want to spend it all, don't be tempted to do so. This will only leave you back at square one eventually: broke.

You should also love your business or your job. The wealthiest people are there because they are passionate about their jobs and love doing what they do.

2. Think Like a Millionaire - Instead of focusing more on developing a good business, focus more on doing something good. Build a business off of something that you are passionate about and love doing. You are going to find that the more you enjoy your job, the more you are going to want to work. This was precisely what Paul Burford had in mind when he traded in his website building chops for hair crimpers. Says Paul, "You're fearless when you're young." This is a good thing. When you think you will succeed, you attract success. When you focus on becoming a millionaire, everything else will fall into place.

You also need to be under the impression that your business is already a million dollar one. Think about how normal it is to have money flowing in to you at all times.

3. Be Patient If You're Impatient (and if you're already patient, be even more so!) - Self-made millionaire Ken Wills didn't become a tycoon overnight. He started small and worked his way up to a business empire that now makes $20 million pounds!

No matter how you are going to use the law of attraction, you need to have patience. Patience is the key to having a happy and successful business and personal life as well. You need to understand that it takes a lot to run a business, whether you have a home business or own an actually office building. You need to do things in a certain way and skipping ahead is not going to get you anywhere.

You should also apply the law of attraction to help you find inspiration rather than products that are going to sell. The law can really help you find your niche and to make that business of yours whether you are a blogger, a writer, or have your own store, a multi-million dollar one soon enough.

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Secret Master Keys And The Law of attraction - 24 Keys To Abundance

The Secret Master Keys And The Law of attraction - 24 Keys To AbundanceThe Secret Master Keys And The Law of attraction - 24 Keys To Abundance

The Master Key System by Charles F Haanel was originally written in 1907 and published over a period of 24 weeks in a very widely read New Thought magazine of the time. Nautilus Magazine was produced by Elizabeth Towne, a self-made woman of means, and an accomplished author in her own right. Because of the popularity of this course, Charles Haanel was inspired to publish the first hardcover in 1919. There were over 200,000 copies produced, and all sold extremely well, with a number of later editions coming out up until 1943. The Catholic Church got hold of a copy in 1933, and immediately banned the book from the public, and the elite of the time also attempted to suppress the information, thankfully a number of copies were safely scattered about the globe and to this day have survived, although they are extremely difficult to get now.

The book is the definitive guide to implementing and applying the Law of attraction, and has a reputation of being the book which has helped to create more self-made millionaires than any other book ever published, in fact it is known as "the book that's made a million millionaires", whether that is a correct figure I don't know, but the list of people who have studied it and gone on to create huge fortunes is a "who's who" of the wealthy, and do number in the hundreds of thousands over the last century. Napoleon Hill, author of Think And Grow Rich was a student of Charles Haanel, as was Henry Flagler the Standard Oil Billionaire who applied these Keys to his life and business and formed the largest corporation in US history. Bill Gates is rumored to have got hold of a copy a couple of years into Harvard University, studied it, and dropped out to "put a computer on every desk" and also become one of the richest men on the planet. Hundreds of thousands of people have applied these Keys to their lives and turn ed everything around for themselves, co-creating a rich and full life of their dreams.

The book works on both the left and right hemispheres of the brain, stimulating the logical masculine side, and the creative feminine side, to gently and permanently embed these life-changing Keys into the sub-conscious mind for long-term access and use by us to attract anything we so desire into our life. The power of our thoughts are just now becoming accepted by the mainstream sciences, particularly Quantum Physics, where the scientists are finding they can influence the very building-blocks of matter with their thoughts. One group will do an experiment and expect X result, which they achieve, then another separate group will do the exact same experiment with the expectation of result Y, which they get... their thoughts and expectations being the only difference.

Your thoughts are creating everything you receive in your life, and always have done. This happens whether you consciously direct them or unconsciously react to your circumstances and create by default. The Secret movie showed people what this "secret" is, the Master Key System shows HOW to apply the Secret to your life to co-create all your desires consciously... every time, by the power of your thoughts.

I wish you the best in all things.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Importance of Emotions in the Law of attraction

Importance of Emotions in the Law of attractionImportance of Emotions in the Law of attraction

One of the important points that Napoleon Hill made when he wrote "The Science of Getting Rich" is the importance of emotions in attaining the object of your desires is to feel that you have already obtained it. Ester and Philip Hicks feel that they are in touch with beings called and have written a book called the Astonishing Power of Emotions which is on the New York best seller list. That book is actually the real "truth" behind the movie "The Secret."Lilou Mace is a very successful person who joined with Sandy Grayson and Laura Duksta on the 100 Day challenge to put the "Law of attraction" to the test. Shortly after, she was given tickets to Oprah Winfrey show, when Oprah officially announced her endorsement of the Secret. She and Lilou met Oprah and, shortly afer, Lilou actually got her own national TV show. There are, of course, other points that Napoleon Hill made regarding the effectivity of the Law of attraction, and that is to reciprocate with the Universe: in other words, to give back. This stipula tion is extremely important. You see, Napoleon Hill actually referenced the Vedas as his source of inspiration when he wrote the book in the early 20th century. Indirectly, of course, since he was referring to the "Transcendentalists", Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. They were missing some vital elements that had been lost in the translation. Namely the key element of worshipping of the Supreme Lord.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Fear, Money, and the Law of attraction

Fear, Money, and the Law of attractionFear, Money, and the Law of attraction

What do these three subjects have in common? It's the order in which most people who are experiencing money troubles apply the Law of attraction.

They start with fear, then move into thoughts on money, and then apply the Law of attraction and unintentionally cause more financial distress.

In order to obtain what you want financially, you'll want to change your overall, basic thinking patterns about money. Part of changing your thinking pattern has to do with getting rid of fear as fear is the parent word of all lack words such as worry, doubt, frustration, and impatience.

So where do you start? How do you get rid of fear? By understanding what fear does for you. Once you understand what fear is doing to your life, you'll see how imperative it is to get rid of this negative emotion that wreaks so much havoc in our lives.

Fear messes with your mental patterns and by thinking and feeling in a state of worry, you are causing a repetitive mental pattern that your subconscious picks up and use like an "automatic recording tape" ... over and over again.

How do you stop this Repetitive Tape of Lack? By making a conscious effort to replace fear with courage, and replace worry with trust. When you ask something of the Universe and then turn around and doubt and worry if you will obtain it, the Universe brings to you what you are focusing on in this case, doubt and worry.

First, look fear in its beady little eyes. What will fear do for you? Absolutely nothing except attract more fear to you. Replace fear and worry with simple trust in the Universe. Once you have made your desire clear to the Universe, know that the Universe is taking care of exactly what you desire. Know that the Universe is bringing you your money wants and then let the Universe take care of the how.

You will need courage for those days when your desire seems far away; just make sure you see courage and not fear. By staying determined in your desires and trusting in the Universe, no matter what circumstances are around you that may be telling you different, you will succeed. There is no other way. If you stick to the Law of attraction and do your best and keep vigil over your fears, the LOA brings you want you desire no matter what.

So apply the Law of attraction first and see a clean, clear image of what you desire in your finances without worry. Remember: the Universe has to bring you what you focus on. That's the Universe's job. Your job is to keep fear and worry far away from you. Replace fear and worry with courage and trust.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Law of attraction Books

Law of attraction BooksLaw of attraction Books

The Law of attraction became a pretty big topic of interest with the popularity of the movie "The Secret". Many people enjoyed the movie, found it inspirational, and tried to share it with friends and loved ones. The problem with that is, "The Secret" is not received the same by everyone who watches it. There are those that will tell you that it's a bunch of crap. There are others that feel that it over-simplified the law of attraction giving it the appearance of magic or hocus pocus. There are some who watched with interest, but still had trouble applying it to their own lives.

There are tons of books on the subject and I've personally read many of them. I'm a big believer in the law of attraction and have often found it frustrating to read a book on the subject that just doesn't do it justice. I've even contemplating writing my own book on the subject.

There are a couple of books that I would highly recommend that I find to be written in a very down-to-earth way. If you're looking to know a bit more about the law of attraction and how it works, you'll find these to be a great resource.

Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting by Lynn Grabhorn

Excuse Me, Your Life is Waitingis a great book by Lynn Grabhorn. I love her writing style and found this book to be particularly helpful in explaining the law of attraction in layman's terms. Lynn explains how the law of attraction has played a part in her endeavors and has created so great tools in her Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting Playbook. I love that she chose to call it a playbook instead of a workbook.

I made the assumption that if I like one book by an author perhaps I'd like others. I found some of her beliefs in other books to be a bit "out there". I found one in particular to be just plain weird.

Lynn Grabhorn passed away a couple of years ago but you can find out more about her and her other books at

Creating Money by Sanaya Roman & Duane Parker

Creating Money by Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer is a book I highly recommend and find myself picking up and reading again. It's written in way that resonates with me. It feels right. It is comfortable and I find it easy to accept. Each chapter has some exercises at the end of them to help you put the information you just read to use. I find that very helpful. When reading the book, don't skip over these parts. Stop and do the exercises. It will help you apply it to your life.

One of the things that bothers some about the information in this book is that the author claims they are channeling the information from their spirit guides Orin and DaBen.for their website.

Abraham-Hicks Material

Thematerial by Esther Hicks is great material, but I think it can be rather puzzling to follow if you're new to the law of attraction. It's also channeled material where Esther relays information from her collective guide, Abraham. I have read all but the last book or two of hers and have about a year's worth of weekly CDs of her workshops.

I would consider it some of the more advanced law of attraction material. However, by the time you're fully comprehending it, the people she's talking to begin to annoy you because you now understand it and can't figure out why they don't.

Early versions of "The Secret" included Esther Hicks.

"I'm Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams-I Am, I Am, I Am" by Tom Pauley

Another great book that is written where someone new to the law of attraction can understand it is Tom Pauley's "I'm Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams-I Am, I Am, I Am".

If you subscribe to Tom Pauley's email list, be prepared to get daily emails promoting his check out his website.

My Advice Regarding Law of attraction Books

I have a pretty simply philosophy about law of attraction books. It's pretty much the way I feel about any information you hear or read. Listen to what is being said, but only take on board the parts that resonate within you. If you read or hear something that goes against what you feel don't let it stop you from hearing the rest. I doubt that you'll ever find anything or anyone that you agree with 100% for 100% of the time.

Keep an open mind. Stay alert to how it makes you feel. Your feelings are crucial to the success or failure of everything you attempt.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Law of attraction Manifestation Exercise #7 - Eliminate the Negative Past and Get a Fresh Start

Law of attraction Manifestation Exercise #7 - Eliminate the Negative Past and Get a Fresh StartLaw of attraction Manifestation Exercise #7 - Eliminate the Negative Past and Get a Fresh Start

Imagine that you have this friend. Your best friend. A friend who has been through everything with you in life, all of your ups and downs.

Now at times you think this friend is great! Who would you be without this friend? There is just one little thing though about this friend that drives you crazy. He or she just lives to criticize you.

They remind you of every embarrassing thing you have ever done, every mistake that you have ever made. They can make you feel guilty, jealous, and angry like no one else on the planet can.

They tell you that you will never be more than you are now. That you should just be grateful for what you have because what makes you think that you are so special and entitled to anything more?

They tell you to get real. That you will never get that dream girl or guy, they are way out of your league. They say you will never get that promotion because you are just not smart enough.

On and on they go everyday telling you what you cannot be, have or do.

Now you might be thinking, who on Earth would want a friend like that?

The answer is you if you are still letting that pesky thing called Ego run your life. Read the above statements again and see if that "friend" sounds familiar to you.

We originally created the Ego to help us stay focused on our own unique experiences while on Earth. Because we are in fact All One, we needed a sort of tuner to help keep us focused on our own station and have a way to "tune out" all the other traffic out there. Otherwise we would just be hearing all the other gibberish from all the other parts of ourselves (the millions of other people on our planet right now).

The problem however began when we started giving that Ego too much power and mistakenly started to believe that the tuner was in fact our "identity". When we started to believe everything it told us was truth.

Our next mistake was in believing that everything that has happened up in our lives until today has now defined who we are going to be tomorrow. Another trick of that pesky Ego. It has now established our identity and it doesn't want to give it up easily. It likes itself just where it is. It feels safe and easy...even if you are miserable.

So now when you say "I'm going to lose weight and get in shape over the next few months" the Ego says "Uh. Uh, Uhhhh. No we are not. I am comfortable here. I don't like change. We have now established ourselves as a "slightly overweight person" and I don't feel comfortable changing that label." And then it goes into a whole bunch of reasons why you won't be able to do it. It will tell you things like "You've tried it a million times before and it's never worked so why even bother." Or "you're never going to find time to go to the gym a couple of times a week." or "Eating food that is good for you is boring" or any of the one million things it will try to come up with. I am sure you can fill in any blanks from your own pesky little voice.

So now...what do you do?

You need to shake that little sucker up. Throw it off its tracks. Shock the heck out of it!

How do you do this?

You focus on the moment of NOW!

You see, the Ego can only survive on the past. All of the criticism, guilt, negative talk and thoughts all stem from things that it has made connections with from your past.

If you choose to live in this NOW moment there is nothing for it to feed off of anymore.

You can be a new person as of this MOMENT. It does not matter a lick what happened in your childhood, or past relationships. It doesn't matter how many mistakes you have made or how many failures you have had. That is in the Past. It's over. There is nothing that can be done about any of that.

All that matters is right NOW. This moment. Right NOW you can be anything you want to be! And there is no one to tell you differently.

So what is the exercise?

Grab a pad or open a fresh page on your word processor.

Imagine that you just arrived on this Earth for the first time this morning.

You have absolutely no preconceived notions about anything.

Everything around you is fresh and new. You are amazed at all the unbelievable experiences you can have while you here on this planet. It is like the biggest playground you have ever seen!

Write down all your impressions. Even the smallest thing. Imagine you were writing someone "back home" and explaining all of the wonderful things down here on this planet there are to experience.

Tell them about the food! You discover there are at least 25 different places you can eat with hundreds of food choices within blocks of you. Tell them about the people! There are so many you can meet, have fun with, laugh with, share things with. Tell them about all the millions of ways people have to make money while they are here. Explain how you can't imagine anyone not being able to earn a fantastic living while here doing something they love because there are just so many options!

How about where you live? Explain how cool your house and apartment are. Explain about cell phones, televisions, computers, etc.

For the next few days keep acting like everything you see around you is brand new Everything is possible for you because "you have never tried them before".

And if that pesky ego tries to thwart your fun be sure to say to it "I don't know who you are or where you get your pessimistic ideas little fellow but I know that I am entitled to experience every good thing down here just be being here. So I think you better move on and find someone to tell your silly fantasies to.

You will be amazed at how differently you will see the world and all of your possibilities when you look at them with fresh eyes.

Happy Creating!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Law of attraction and Making Choices

The Law of attraction and Making ChoicesThe Law of attraction and Making Choices

As followers of The Law of attraction we are taught that action should only be taken after the emotional manifestation has occurred. But what about when a decision must be made before you can be sure of the outcome? Is it possible to make the wrong choice or do the wrong action and mess up your manifestation?

All actions and reactions lead to the same conclusion which is the generation of energy. We manifested ourselves into these physical bodies for the purpose of creating life through the generation of this energy. So if the energy we create is relatively negative it doesn't make a difference in the larger scheme of things. Actually, it gives us more things to desire which creates even more energy.

The fear of making wrong choices is based on the false notion that we can mess up our manifestation or take it on a grand detour costing us precious time. We also think we only want to experience pleasant circumstances and feel as if we did something wrong if we produce otherwise. So let's clear these misconceptions up.

All choices and actions bring us to a greater understanding of who we are and what we want by not only appreciating what we have but by discovering what we don't want. Do you know anyone who enjoys food poisoning? I don't. When I get to experience it I want the feeling of relief right away. It generates a lot of energy and can be expressed as making a bad choice. This is where we need to relax our viewpoint a little. I just generated a new and powerful appreciation for feeling healthy. When I return to health I will feel this new gratitude for a few days. It may even be the launching of a new healthy way of life. It may be just what I needed to refocus on my current fitness goals. Not a bad choice, but a means to an end. Not exactly what we were thinking, but that is the surprise portion that the Universe likes to fill in by itself.

Now for the issue of time. As soon as we are fearful of wasting time we will produce the events that will help us to waste it. Don't get caught in this trap! Keep the frame of mind, that it comes when it comes and that's perfectly ok. When you relax and allow things to happen in their own sweet time, time will be sweet. Remember what you fight against, what you fear, what you focus on, will always be your dominant vibration and draw to you more of the same.

As for wanting only pleasant experiences, yes, I want that also. I understand and allow everything else because that's all I can do, that's all any of us can do. Energy is just that, energy. Look at it for what it is and it takes the sting out of it. The stronger the energy around an issue the greater the manifestation is going to be. If you can stand back a little and look outside the circumstances to see the larger picture you can catch a glimpse of the power that has just been generated!

Don't hesitate to make choices, or to take action. Speak up, move it and shake it! Generate all the energy you can without fear of errors. Fear is a false notion of you being powerless. You are the power.

Law of attraction, is it BS or is it real

Law of attraction, is it BS or is it realLaw of attraction, is it BS or is it real

Law of attraction, BS or real?

Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Oprah and many others are talking about the Law of attraction but is it BS or is it real? The premise is simple enough, what you think about, focus on, and spend all your energy toward, is what you get in your life. There are countless books and movies on the subject with many people becoming famous and rich writing about it.

What do you think about all of the time? Can you really create your own reality? Lets look at two men, Joe and Bill. Both men worked for the same company at identical jobs, getting the same pay, and both got laid off at the same time.

Joe thinks it is the end of his world. He worries constantly about a lack of money, how he will pay his bills and what his family will have to give up. He is angry at the company, the government, and everyone else who still has a job. He takes his anger out on his family and if you ask him, he says his life sucks.

Bill wasnt happy to lose his job but is excited about all of the new possibilities. Bill decided to reevaluate his life and to get rid of all of the excess. He also decided to pursue his lifes passion, something he wouldnt have done before. Bill is excited and grateful everyday for the blessings in his life.

Just by the way each of these men think about their lives, each have taken very different turns. Joes life sucks because he thinks it does. Bills life is wonderful because he thinks it is. How you think does affect how your life will be, but it is a choice. Which life would you choose to live?

Buy a book, rent a movie, or research online, and you will find a lot of great information on the Law of attraction. Better yet, join a Meetup group at and interact with other people interested in the Law of attraction. There are many great groups around, one especially popular and highly recommended group is the one held at The Holistic Self Care Center in Nashua, NH. You can join this group at /LawofAttractionandAbundance and attend their next meeting.

Is the Law of attraction BS, or is it real? Find out for yourself. What are you waiting for? Life is to short to be unhappy.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

How to Apply The Law of attraction In Your Own Life

How to Apply The Law of attraction In Your Own LifeHow to Apply The Law of attraction In Your Own Life

Many people today are using the power of positive thought and the law of attraction to change their lives. In an era of unprecedented technology, there is also an enormous amount of stress and chaos in our busy lives. Success is a formula that has many factors, yet this less understood law is often underutilized. Applying the law and using it on a daily basis has enriched countless people and it will be sure to help you too.

The law states: I attract to myself whatever I give my focus, attention, or energy to, whether wanted or unwanted. For example, if one ponders the idea of being rich and sees him or herself living a wealthy lifestyle, then money tends to gravitate towards that person. On the contrary, focusing on the bills due, not having enough money to make ends meet, and worries about finances attracts poverty and debt. The subconscious mind tells the conscious mind what to do. When we fill our thoughts with "I can" then eventually the subconscious will do exactly that.

A good way to start using the law of attraction is to actually visualize yourself fulfilling your dreams. If you always wanted to be a professional golf player, then see yourself holding a trophy and people clapping and cheering you on. Visualize a smooth swing of the club and a hole in one.

When we are at rest and meditating on something, we are using the Theta brainwave. This type of thought is similar to hypnosis in which our subconscious becomes extremely susceptible to suggestion. It is good to use positive affirmations in this state. Physically say out loud, "I am a professional golfer and I will win this game." Suggesting that you are a winner and truly believing it brings actual winning games when the conscious reads from the subconscious.

Sir Isaac Newton said that an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion. When we take action and put our dreams into motion, this utilizes Newton's law. Surround yourself with ambitious and positive people who are actively pursuing their goals. Picture a steam train gradually building speed. Positive affirmations and visualizations are the coal that is powering that steam engine. The successful folks around you are contributing their energy by throwing more coal on the fire. Now the train is "full steam ahead" and seems to race ahead with ease. A professional always makes it look easy, and most professionals are using the laws whether they realize it or not.

One of the great benefits of the law of attraction is that you get more of what you show gratitude for. Being thankful brings positive emotions and attracts energy that is even more positive. Simple gestures like saying, "thank you" to your boss can have a profound impact on the overall mood of their day. It is no secret that the happy and successful people of the world use these principles every day. Start right now and transform your life one positive thought at a time.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Living Your Dream - Making the Law of attraction Work FOR You.

Living Your Dream - Making the Law of attraction Work FOR You.Living Your Dream - Making the Law of attraction Work FOR You.

Youre born, then you die. Those, apart from taxes apparently, are the only two certainties about your life.

No one tells you why you were born, (they may make a big secret of how, and a big fuss on every anniversary of when, but no why or wherefore is ever forthcoming).

As for the end, thats a complete mystery. Nobody can tell you when that will occur, nor how, and not even especially why. Above all, they cant tell you what will happen to you afterwards. It maybe nothing for all eternity, which I believe is quite a long time. Or there may be choirs of angels, virgins, or reincarnation awaiting us on the other side.

Its not much of a deal really, is it?

The only thing to do, its always seemed to me, is to make the absolute most of this unknown but brief amount of time bracketed between the two events, called your life.

And yet, most of us dont.

Discounting the unfortunates sleeping rough or victims of some heinous crime or hideous disease, (and I dont discount them lightly), the vast majority of folk have their cake but dont eat it.

How many people do you know who wish they had a better or different job, or who complain endlessly about the relationship theyre in, or cheat on it? Or who put an astonishing amount of energy into telling everyone how wrong some other party is, be it their neighbour, son or daughter-in-law, the government or God. Finally, regardless of their circumstances, they wish something was different. When all else seems well with their world, theres always the weather to moan about.

In my umble opinion, its not so much that such folks really do want things to be different, its more that they wouldnt feel they were worth a jot of interest from anyone else if they didnt moan!

To be fulfilled in life, we must come to a place of peace within ourselves. That doesnt mean accepting blithely a bad hand if thats what weve been dealt. It means taking responsibility for that hand and getting a re-deal.

You cannot change the world by moaning about it, nor will you induce happiness or peace by blowing it up.

The way forward is to find the courage to follow your heart wherever it may lead find your dreams and build them, share them, regardless of the odds. The difficulty for most people comes when following the dream leads to disappointment or even disaster.

Thats when fear sets in. We refuse to do it again in case the worst happens and we settle for a compromised life. Negativity takes over.

Fortunately, it can be overcome and its not as difficult as you might imagine. Begin by noticing that the Universe works perfectly. The world keeps turning. Birds, with brains smaller than golf balls, remember to migrate and know exactly where theyre going. Flowers bloom in the spring, (tra-la!)

Your nature is no different. Your body knows how to digest food, produce millions of new liver cells every second and grow your fingernails all without the slightest interference from you!

The laws of the universe dont stop working just for you, either. Gravity, (as your bathroom scales will remind you!), still works for you. And so does the Law of attraction!

Overcoming your own doubt and scepticism is the issue here, not whether things work! The first step on that path, (and its not a long one), is noticing what works rather than the more common practice of focussing on whats broken!

(To read more about making the Law of attraction work for you, please visit my blog: )

A journalist, Ive heard, asked Roy Disney, brother of the late Walt, how he thought Walt would have felt about not seeing Disney World. (Walt had passed away before it was opened). Roy turned to the reporter indignantly and replied, It was precisely because Walt saw all of this that were standing here today.

I still am not sure what happens to you afterwards.

But I am sure that the reason youre here is to follow those dreams, and live them, as Tony Robbins would say, with passion.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Law of attraction Coach Reveals How You Can Take Your Power Back and Regulate What You Think and Fee

Law of attraction Coach Reveals How You Can Take Your Power Back and Regulate What You Think and FeeLaw of attraction Coach Reveals How You Can Take Your Power Back and Regulate What You Think and Fee

Manifestation of your desires is a outcome of well-managed power and persistence. Bear in mind the Law of attraction is doing work (just like gravity) no matter whether you pay interest to it or not. And the power you transmit is being acted on by the Universal Law of attraction

So what are you sending out to the Universe?

So how about this: you want a new career. You want your location of do the job closer to your residence. You'd like the administration to be versatile. Naturally you'd also like your coworkers to be sort to you and deal with you like an equal. Perhaps you even want to be component of the selection-creating process of the firm at huge. Law of attraction Relationships are fully obtainable to you, as is your happiness that you were born to have.

Specifying exactly what you want is undoubtedly a excellent thing. Achieving this clarity of what you want is essential to relocating in direction of self-actualization.

Individuals belittle their wishes out of worry of not obtaining them and thus send a muddled signal to the universe. Here's a metaphor to explain a little far better; your entire body is a horse-drawn cart, and your thoughts is the 4 horses pulling it. One horse is likely straight ahead; that's your wish. 1 horse is ok wherever it is, so it's just standing nonetheless. Yet another horse worries about currently being employed, so it pulls off to the left. Yet another of them is your views, and it rears and bucks. You can't get wherever with feelings like that.

Given that your intentions aren't in alignment with what you really want, your energy is mismanaged and cluttered. You're sending really confusing indicators out which is why very tiny ahead momentum can take place. Wealth Attraction assists you relieve yourself of monetary worries by producing cash for your self! Entice your riches today, and don't really feel undesirable performing it.

Coping with your views and your inner thoughts about people views is known as electricity control. It takes noticing how you're sensation all through the day. Power management is a basic but complex procedure of shifting your emotions from a place of experiencing negative to a place of energy and experiencing very good about oneself. The concept may well be straightforward to grasp, but the apply itself can be nerve-wracking (literally). Performing this is not an effortless task, but it is rewarding. Lots of various issues in this world grab our focus and then just before we know it we're emotionally invested in this and that. Obtaining help from a Law of attraction Coach is a extremely effective way to get new practices anchored in so you can commence attracting more of what you want in existence. You're worth it.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Laws of Human Attraction

Laws of Human AttractionLaws of Human Attraction

Is beauty really in the eye of the beholder? Well, yes and no. Although our interpretation of beauty does partly depend on cultural and personal preferences, there are some universal laws of attraction that span cultures and individual tastes.

What Causes Attraction?

According to modern social psychology, many things determine attraction. The first factor is familiarity. People are more likely to be attracted if they have met several times or are in the same social circles. Attraction also generates from attractive physical features, valued social traits (like self-esteem) and similarity. If two people have similar views, opinions and social skills, they are more likely to be attracted to each other. Lastly, conveyed interest is a factor. Just knowing that someone likes us often fuels our interest.

Physical Attraction

Attractive people have been proven to share common facial features: slim, toned figures, large eyes, small, perky noses, luscious lips, clear complexions. In one 1986 study, features that are consistent with attractive women are prominent cheekbones, narrow cheeks, high eyebrows, large pupils and a large smile. Men with distinctive cheekbones, sizable chins and broad smiles were rated more attractive. These perceived notions of beauty span cultures and tastes.

One distinct difference between male and female beauty is that the female faces that are considered beautiful are the typical "baby faces" as opposed to the more rugged male face. This insinuates that female beauty is associated with more "childlike" features.

Let's Get Physical...Physical

How Important is physical attraction? In social psychology field experiments, experimenters have found that people overwhelmingly opt for physical attractiveness (as opposed to other positive qualities). One psychology study randomly assigned blind dates for college students at the University of Minnesota. The results were overwhelming. Although many traits such as intelligence or sensitivity could have determined the success of the blind date, it was the rated physical attractiveness that correlated with success. In this study there was no significant difference between men or women on this matter. Later, this experiment was repeated with gay couples with the same results.

Beauty and Barbie--The Influence of the Media

From Saturday morning cartoons to Barbie to the latest movies, the media and other cultural touchstones tell us what is beautiful. Not only do they set standards for attraction, they also tell us to associate what is beautiful with what is good. Think of your favorite Disney movie. The hero and heroine are the both morally and physically likable.

Statistically, people associate other good qualities with those who are perceived as attractive. People who are attractive are rated more sociable, happy and popular. This varies slightly across cultures. Whatever is deemed as a valuable trait in that culture is associated with an attractive person. For example, in Western cultures assertion is more valued and thus associated with beauty. In South Korea, personal integrity is deemed more important and is associated with beauty.

The Theoretical Influence of Evolution

Experts suggest that we have been programed through evolution to judge what is attractive. Studies show that babies favor pictures of attractive faces over unattractive faces. Evolution has also programed our attraction through underlying motives. Throughout time, successful reproduction for men has translated into having as many offspring as possible. For females it translates into raising their offspring successfully.

Keeping this in mind, when men choose a partner, they are more likely to look for someone who fits the evolutionary bill for someone who can reproduce successfully (with attractiveness being a red flag). Attractiveness signals health and fitness. Women look for a man who can supply the resources she needs to raise a child. This may explain why rich, unattractive men are able to date gorgeous, young women.

Friday, May 3, 2013

How to Find White Feathers

How to Find White FeathersHow to Find White Feathers

Throughout time, many cultures have attached spiritual and magical meaning to feathers and the real or mythological animals who fan and flap them. (See Reference 1) According to the website Celtic Attic, a white feather symbolizes purification and spirituality. No matter why you're collecting white feathers--- decoration, craft projects, spiritual learning or just for fun---remember that birds lose their feathers naturally. It is never necessary to harm a bird to get its feathers---that would be very bad magic, indeed.

Difficulty: Easy


1)Explore areas in your town where geese, swans or other predominately white birds nest. Parks, ponds and lakes are likely habitats for these types of birds.

2)Contact local poultry farmers and ask if you can come and collect white feathers from their coops or pens. Local 4H organizations sometimes raise poultry on a small scale and might be willing to let you collect feathers from their pens.

3)Take regular walks in heavily treed neighborhoods and parks. Look for white feathers while you get your exercise.

4)Visit your favorite craft store to find white feathers. Though purchasing feathers is not strictly the same as finding them, many craft stores stock several types of feathers for a variety of projects.

5)Experiment with the "Law of attraction." According to the website Law of attraction Info, focusing on and visualizing something you want will attract that object to you. Try thinking of white feathers whenever you leave the house and make an affirming statement such as "I will find a white feather today." See if more white feathers come your way when you are practicing the Law of attraction than at other times.