Raised Catholic, in a family of 10, Reba is no stranger to a busy life. Growing up, her family performed together for audiences of all ages. They played their own instruments, and sang glorious songs of hope and inspiration. Strong Christian values have been pounded into their structure for all of their lives. It is no wonder that when life gets tough, she turns to God.
What about turning to God when life is going just fine?
Reba, now a 26 year old Allentown mother of two, finds herself in the pressure cooker of making ends meet financially, caring for her boys. keeping her relationship alive, and still somehow remembering her Faith. For many, Faith seems to be the first thing to be pushed aside. Why is this so? Deep within, whether one believes it or not, there is this assurance that God is always there waiting to communicate with them.
Yet, guilt sets in.
Religions, whether consciously or not, teach you to feel guilty if you do not say your prayers and read the Good Book every single day. You are threatened with eternal damnation. It is no wonder so many are walking around carrying this entity called FEAR. Fear of failure. Fear of not being good enough. Fear of God. Fear of life itself. Fear of death. Fear...of the unknown. It comes as no surprise that in times of great fear, of great pain, of great need one turns to God. This raises questions however.
Do you pray out of a sense of guilty or duty?
Do you pray out of a sense of trust?
The Law of attraction states that whatever you put out into the Universe, comes back to you. Why is this so? Because everything and all things are connected! What you do to another, you are doing to yourself. When you pray from a belief of guilty and duty, you will get more guilt and duty. When you pray from a belief of trust, you will get more trust. It really is that simple.
Contemplate this:
ALL are a body of water. Think of yourself as one of the gazillion droplets of water. This water has no beginning, no end, and no separation in between. All droplets connect to make one infinite Body of Water. One droplet of water dumps out the color red into its OWN water space. Guess what? The water droplets around this one particular droplet, also turn red! Thus, illustrating "what you do to another, you do to yourself. What you put out, comes back."
What are you putting out? What are you getting back?
The choice is one's own to create whatever reality they choose. Never under estimate your own power! Never under estimate that you already belong to something Great! One cannot separate from something that it already IS. One cannot be anything less than this body of water. One cannot be anything less than God. Brothers and sisters, there is no need to pray from a sense of fear or guilt. You feel this because you have somewhere been taught to feel unworthy, not good enough, not part of everything. This is simply untrue. What you are is Love. What you are is Joy. What you are is simply a unique part of Spirit, of God, of the Universe, experiencing life. ALL of life. The "good," the "bad," the "indifferent." It is all life, and it is all a part of your growth. Never again feel fear or guilt. For everyone is on a journey. A journey with many different paths, to the same Home.